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McDonaldland Cookies

I have been eating a lot over the past few days, so yesterday when I was back at school I got pretty hungry in the middle of the morning. Then I remembered that someone had brought some store-bought cookies for one of our bake sales. They were individually packaged and full of preservatives, so I had no worries about eating them two weeks after they were brought in. They were Dora the Explorer Animals Crackers from Keebler.

When I ate the first one, I was astounded. They tasted almost exactly like McDonaldland cookies. You know… the ones that used to come in a box? I used to love those. Now-a-days the only cookies I see at McDonald’s (if I see any at all) are big “freshly baked” cookies. The sugar cookies are okay, but they don’t in any way compare to the old McDonaldland cookies in the various shapes.

I ate the whole bag quickly because I was hungry, but not before I noticed a cookie that resembled Grimace. Coincidence?

I don't know what makes these crackers.  They tasted like cookies to me.


  1. deanne

    I bet you’re right. I mean, how many makers of those can there be?

  2. Lauren

    McDonald’s cookies were the ultimate treat when we were little, because it meant that we were at McDonald’s!!

    What kind of crazy form is that under the cookies? It looks like a way to get a free turkey.

    • Carol

      I dunno…maybe if your turkey is reporting a workman’s comp accident, it is. Why ever would you need a form like that, o great middle school wrestling coach?

  3. Lloyd

    I think you (or maybe Kristi Mueller?) were the first person I ever saw actually buy those. I think my mom told me they tasted like thumb-tacks.

    • Beth

      Your Mom ate thumb tacks?

      • Lloyd

        You should know by now that mom’s don’t have to eat something to know what it would taste like. Anyway, I’m not sure that she was being completely up front with me.

  4. Peggy

    This product is obviously politcally incorrect.

    A pouch of all vanilla cookies, called crackers…well, I’m highly offended!

    • Beth


  5. Michele

    Who needs freshly baked cookies when the packaged ones with loads of preservatives are just as good?!

    I remember the McDonald cookie days, but nothing can compare to the animal cookies that came in the circus box with the little string handle … good times!

  6. Angie

    Looooove those old McDonald cookies….ahhhh memories!

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