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Flying Solo

Yesterday was my first time conducting wrestling practice by myself. Dave had various work things he had to do and couldn’t make it. I decided to do a bunch of drills and work only on form. It ended up being a little chaotic, but I think the boys had fun and I think they got a good workout. They had a hard time learning new drills. Or else I had a hard time explaining them. The most frustrating drill (because I thought it should be the most simple) was the monkey roll.

What was interesting for me was to see how leading a practice and leading a lesson in a classroom compared. Some classroom teacher skills worked, but some didn’t. It really was fascinating. I’ll have more opportunities to study this in the coming days.

Now if I can just get them to understand how to do monkey rolls correctly…

Monkey rolls are the fourth item on the list.


  1. Lauren

    Cool! If you gave them each a rope to hold, they could make a giant braid!

  2. Lloyd

    That’s how we exchange papers in math class.

  3. Beth

    Show them the video. Of course, you probably already did that…

    Bring in your BB gun and shoot at their feet like you did mine when I was a kid. And yell, “Dance!” while you shoot. That will get them moving.

  4. Peggy

    That drill is awesome! Just perfect for MS boys!! I can see how it would be hard to explain though. I say to help them get the hang of it, keep throwing pieces of candy on the mat & have them dive for them. If you make it Berg Cookies, I’ll do it.

  5. Lauren

    I tried to work ‘monkey rolls’ into my regular conversation today. It was solid gold!

    • Brad

      I was wondering if you had a recipe for monkey rolls on any of those websites you visit.

      • Lauren

        Yes. “Cut monkeys into small pieces. Dip into melted butter, then roll in cinnamon sugar. Place pieces into a Bundt pan and bake at 350 for 30 minutes.”

        • Carol


  6. Carol

    Reading this posting reminded me of how we launched America’s new fun game in 6th grade science the other day: Diving for Ink Pens. Apparently gravity was having its way with everyone’s writing utensils; nobody could hold onto his for love or money. One boy became so desperate to retrieve his AGAIN that he literally dove out of his seat near the back of the room and slid nearly to the door to grab it before returning to sit down and whatever semblance of normalcy remained. Boy, 1; pen, 0….monkeys, priceless (?).

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