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Errand Day

Yesterday after choir practice, I was an errand-running champ. The first and last stops stand out:

The first stop was the shipping store. I’m finally returning my ring for exchange. I paid for the shipping with cash, and I’m pretty sure I used a twenty, but the lady said I used a ten. I wasn’t thinking fast enough, or I would have asked her to compare the serial number from the top twenty in her drawer with the twenty in my wallet. I got them from an ATM, and I think they were successive numbers. Too late now. That store received a donation of ten dollars from me yesterday.

At least I'll finally be able to wear this ring.

My last stop was Jiffy Lube. I’ve needed to do an oil change for a while. Of course I always say “no” to anything they offer except the oil change. This visit cemented that custom even further. First the guy said that the differential gear box on the rear axle was up for the manufacturer’s recommended servicing. After I declined, he said it was supposed to have three quarts of fluid in it, but only had one. He said the gears are not being lubricated like they should. I declined again. Then he said the gears are running dry and the whole gear box is going to seize up and be destroyed. I declined again. Then he went back to talking all normal-like as we completed my transaction. His progression of escalating scares seemed artificial and dishonest. “No thank you.”

Missed it by that much.


  1. Beth


    They really do that, huh? The escalating, “YOU’RE GONNA DIE IN A CRASH BECAUSE YOUR TRUCK IS DISINTEGRATING!!!”

    That’s funny.

    Congratulations on standing strong.

  2. Lauren

    Even if you didn’t say it to the shippin lady, thinking of the serial number thing was wicked smart. Did you ever find out what happened to the ring store’s website?

    • Lloyd

      I was just thinking the same thing. Wasn’t Deborah going to check out the “scene of the crime”?

      • Karla

        Maybe she did. Has anyone heard from Deborah lately?

        • Lauren

          No. And Peggy seems AWOL, too.

        • Beth

          Peggy’s been at West Point visiting her son, Matt. 😀

        • Lauren

          They don’t have computers at West Point? 😉

    • Brad

      I emailed the ring people. They said their website was just “having some problems”. Coincidentally, at the exact same time they had changed their phone number. They are indeed still in business, but they’re focusing their efforts on web sales, rather than a show room.

  3. Annette

    I’m thinking the store never saw the donation…..it’s in that lady’s pocket!

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