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Loaded Potato Bites

Somebody at school told me about a new side item at Arby’s called Loaded Potato Bites. They are fried packages of potato, cheese, and bacon. Mmm… they sounded delicious. Yesterday, I found myself looking for a place to stop and grab a bite to eat. Of course Arby’s came to mind. I had a Beef ‘n Cheddar and some Loaded Potato Bites. They were delicious.

The outside has some sort of herb flavoring, and the inside is smoky and cheesy. They give you a Ranch dip to use, which I opened just because I was curious. I’m not real big on dipping sauces. I like my fried food unadulterated so I can taste the oil-soaked goodness. I would not eat these every day, for fear of dying, but they’ll make a wonderful occasional treat.

Over the teeth and past the gums, look out arteries, here it comes.


  1. Somebody

    Well, I guess I have been called worse…

    I LOVE, LOVE Arbys!

    BTW: Have you spent the last 3 days living in your truck?

    • Lauren

      Yay! Peggy’s back!

    • Kim

      How was West Point, Peggy?

      • Brad

        On this date in 1802, Congress authorized the establishment of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

      • Peggy

        It was great!!! Except for all the mountainess walking…honestly! I just kept saying, “You all go ahead…save yourselves…don’t worry about me.”

  2. Lauren

    How come my comment didn’t show up?

    • Lauren

      We’ll try this again:

      It’s nice to see that Arby’s puts as much fun inside their packaging as they do inside their treats. “America’s Roast Beef – Yes Sir!”

    • Brad

      I can’t find a ‘held’ comment anywhere. Interesting. Mabye you don’t exist.

  3. Beth

    That picture caption…is that Grandpa Hummel’s? Or? Where in my childhood did I hear that?

    • Brad

      I don’t know where I know that from. I had trouble deciding if it was “past the gums” or “through the gums”, but I figured potato bites couldn’t really go through gums like liquor would. And, of course, the original sentence ends: “…look out, stomach, here it comes.”

      • Kim

        My dad used to say that too. Over the lips, through the gums, look out stomach here it comes!

        Those look delicious and completely unhealthy. I wonder if they make one of those lists of foods you should never eat…like peas.

  4. Deborah

    I’m glad you found out about your ring place, because I was never going to get downtown to check it out. Who’s kiddin’ who?

    • Lauren

      That’s my girl.

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