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Month: February 2010 (Page 1 of 6)

Robins II: Poop on the Steps

The robins have visited again.

Since the snow is melting, I went outside to survey the damage to my garden. Things aren’t too bad. There are a few broken branches here and there. The support for my ivy vine totally collapsed, but I was expecting that to happen sometime, so I’m not angry, just disappointed.

Anyway, as I was walking down the back steps, I noticed that there was a lot more bird poop than usual. I really had to be careful to dodge it.

A mine field of digested berries.

When I looked up at the holly bush, the culprits were confirmed. Robins are the ones who eat my holly berries, and the bush was completely stripped. It was weird to see it without berries, but I guess I’m glad some birds could have something to eat.

Only a few withered ones were left behind.

Unwelcome Savings

We had parent/teacher conferences after school last night. I foolishly hadn’t packed any dinner, so by the time I was done at 7:45, I was really hungry. I decided to stop at Burger King and get some good ol’ greasy junk food. I prefer cheeseburgers over Whoppers. There is a different flavor to them… a different meat-to-bread ratio. I ordered a cheeseburger and large fries. It would be a feast!

But when I got home, something was wrong. My cheeseburger was too heavy. There was extra meat on it! Had they made a mistake? I had clearly said “cheeseburger”. I looked on the receipt. It said: “BK Double”. Then I realized what they had done. Double cheeseburgers are part of some $1 promotion. Regular cheeseburgers are more expensive. They had changed my order to save me money. But they did it without my permission. I don’t like that.

I prefer cheeseburgers. I would pay more to have one. Of course, this morning since I am out from under the haze of my ravenous hunger it occurs to me that I could have simply removed one of the meat patties. But I still don’t like that they didn’t ask me. That wouldn’t fly under other circumstances:

“I’d like a Honda Civic please.”
“Here is your Honda Ridgeline for less money”

The second fries was for Denis.

Have They Always Been This Good?

I wanted to order from my barbecue place (Big Bad Wolf) last night. They always have dinner specials, and I was hoping for a pork loin or pork chop. It was steak. I wanted pork, so I ordered something I haven’t eaten for many years – I ordered pork ribs.

Whenever I’ve eaten ribs in the past, it seemed like they didn’t have much meat. All I was chewing on was fat and connective tissue. Eeewww… So just as a matter of course, I never order ribs. But these ribs I ate last night… They were soooo good. It seemed like the only thing on the bones was meat. I stripped the bones bare. Have I just never had good ribs before? Or is there a difference between beef ribs and pork ribs? Or has my tolerance of eating fat and connective tissue increased? Or maybe ribs were always this good, but I once had a dream that they were fatty?

Whatever the case, last night I had the best ribs I’ve ever eaten. I will definitely be ordering them again.

A half rack of pork ribs with Kansas City Sweet barbecue sauce.  (You can choose your sauce.)

Seven Years

I’ve been drinking coffee pretty regularly lately. I like to have a warm drink in the morning, and coffee is calorie-free. And a lot cheaper than tea. The caffeine was getting to me, though, so I started drinking some decaf I had at school. I can’t remember when I got it, but it was some time before Christmas. Being curious about it, I looked on the label to see the expiration date. This is what it says:


2003?!? Can you even drink coffee that old? I guess you can, because I’ve been doing it since last week. And I guess that goes to show how sophisticated my coffee-tasting palate is. I can drink seven-year-old coffee and not even notice it.

Phalaenopsis 2010

So this may be getting boring now because it happens year after year, but I continue to think it’s miraculous. I have orchid flowers in my bathroom! And I’m responsible for them blooming!

My phalaenopsis is blooming again. The first flower opened two days ago. The next ones will come quickly. And the plant will be blooming until June. Until JUNE, people!

I look at phalaenopsises (phalaenopsae?) whenever I go to Home Depot or whatever. I’m puzzled by the fact that they get phalaenopsis orchids to bloom at any time of year. Looking back in my memory records, I see that mine blooms at the end of February every year. Is it the duration of the light? Is it evening coldness? The plants continue to get cheaper and they continue to have newer and crazier flower colors and patterns, but I like my white and purple stripey flowers. They remind me of butterflies. I guess that’s why the common name of phalaenopsis orchids is “moth orchid”.

Doesn't the post title sound like the name of a bad science fiction movie?

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