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Birthday Snow Day

Yesterday was nice. I started the day with some invigorating exercise as I shoveled snow. It felt good to do something other than sit around.

After shoveling, I sat around. And graded. Yes, Michele, I graded. By the time I finished the particular stacks I was working on, it was time for lunch. Denis said he would go to Bertucci’s with me. Peggy had just called to wish me a Happy Birthday, so I asked if she could meet us. What an enjoyable time! I had a Manhattan, ate salty tilapia and buttery spinach, and had free tiramisu. Free! Peggy gave me some little presents, the coolest of which was a TV Guide from the week of February 8, 1970. The week I was born! The ads are hilarious.

After lunch I went to Lowe’s and got light bulbs and birdseed. What a delightfully normal thing to do. After being snowed in for three days, I went to a home improvement store for light bulbs and birdseed.

On returning home, Denis’ car got high-centered at the entrance to Evergreen Ave from Harford. We dug and chipped and nothing worked. Neighbors Carl and Terry and a friend of theirs came over and helped, and finally freed the car after much work. Denis wanted to dig the road a little because he has to go to work today.

So I ended the day like it began: shoveling snow. What a happy, happy birthday. I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

The evening's work.  Those tire tracks weren't there before we started.


  1. Lauren

    Hooray for birthday lunches and kind neighbors! Will you do a post someday about the T.V. Guide ads?

    Wow – you dug out quite a bit. More snow is coming today, yes? Your poor back.

    • Brad

      They’re saying another 10 to 20 inches. Yikes!

  2. Lloyd

    Have you seen any snow forts? There was a negligent lack of snow forts when we got the snow.

  3. Kristi

    Maybe you should buy a snowblower at Lowe’s.

    • Brad

      Hehe… I was actually going to look at snowblowers or at least get a second shovel. They were completely sold out of both. The three people ahead of me in line were all buying garden shovels to scoop snow with.

  4. Peggy

    Whew! I wasn’t sure what high-centered meant…I thought maybe you guys got hit.

    I’m glad you enjoyed your birthday…but lets be real…you will not stop celebrating for another 2 weeks! Woo hoo!

  5. Carol

    Those center ruts in the Midwest used to get me in my smaller cars (Chevy Chevette, Toyota Tercel) because it seemed all the previous drivers had wider cars with higher bodies. It’s no fun digging out from that, I know. Glad you were successful (no underbody damage that anyone knows of, I hope?) and have such a feeling of accomplishment now – Happy Dayafteryourbirthday! How ya’ gonna top all that?

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