Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Get the Milk and Toilet Paper!

I don’t know what I did yesterday. It was morning, then suddenly it was evening. Then it was evening and it was morning, the next day.

Actually, I did make one foray into the snowpocalyptic cityscape. I walked to the grocery store. I was out of milk and toilet paper. I was really embarrassed to be buying milk and toilet paper before this, our next big storm. It’s the stereo-typical Baltimorean thing to buy before snowstorms: milk, bread, and toilet paper. But the guy at the cash register didn’t give me a hard time at all.

Good ol' Angel Soft... But they aren't double rolls.

Last night we had more snow. Today, even more. After this wave of snow is done, we’re supposed to have ANOTHER 20 inches or so. Sheesh!

For Lloyd:


  1. Lauren

    You walked home with two gallons of milk? That’s sixteen pounds, you brute.

    Seriously, when are you guys ever going to have school again? Will you go later in the summer to make up days?

    • Brad

      I think we had four days scheduled in. If we’re off tomorrow, it’ll be our fifth snow day. The governor has the power to forgive snow days in extreme circumstances. Maybe he’ll do that this year.

  2. Lloyd

    More pictures of the snowpocalyps please.

    • Brad

      I’ll take some more today. It’s still coming down.

    • Peggy

      Kim likes to refer to it as the snowcation.

    • Brad

      I made a movie for you.

      • Lloyd

        I was not expectin’ 2,755 pictures. Thanks. That’s the most snow I’ve ever seen at once.

      • Lauren

        Aw, you made him a movie. He didn’t get you anything.

  3. Carol

    Good old Governor O’Malley – called a State of Emergency a few days back, which means there is indeed precedent to “forgive” make-up days lost due to the weather. There’d sure be lots of grateful teachers and students if we didn’t find ourselves celebrating July 4th in our classrooms. (…and what, you don’t have extra units of Angel Soft squirreled away somewhere in your home?! We have two more 9-roll packs on the shelving unit in the basement…on the top shelf, of course, not only for ease of access but as we are already prepping for the Great Flood of ’10 when all this white **** becomes liquid again and winds up in our basement. It’s just a matter of time…)

  4. Carol

    Cute Genesis reference there, sir…but by now I think we’re on more like the fifth day. That’s when the snowmen were made, but it was not good they should be alone, so a snow angel came unto them and spake….ah, you know how the story goes…

  5. Peggy

    So Brad, how many blizzards is this for you this season? Two here…and how many when you were in Seward?

    Hehe…you were very brave to buy only the milk & toilet paper at the store! Brave & strong (I agree with Lauren about lugging the milk home) you are! You’re a 40 year old warrior!

    • Peggy

      Hey I just thought of this….you didn’t happen to try your youth juice did you, thus giving you extraordinary strength?

  6. Michele

    I only have 5 packets of Carnation left and I am out of crockpot meals! This is getting serious. I’m afraid to even check our toilet paper status.

    I am forcing myself to do school work today. Of course the first thing I did when I opened my laptop was check Bradaptation. Stay focused Michele!

    So did Denis make it home last night or did they make him stay?

  7. Kristi

    Good movie, Brad. Did you say that there was a holly bush? Does it have holly berries on it right now?

    • Brad

      It does. Lots and lots of red berries. You can see them when it’s not covered with snow.

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