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I was bored yesterday. I have sat at the computer long enough that I’m tired of it. I have watched TV long enough that I’m tired of it. I have taken naps enough that I’m tired of them. Well, actually, I’m not tired after I take them, but you know what I mean. But I am not bored enough that I have started doing work.

To take breaks from the boredom, I go outside and shovel. Yesterday evening after the snow was mostly done falling, I went out to shovel the sidewalk. A couple of kids walked by with their dog. It was funny because the dog had to jump through the snow. It was too deep for the dog to walk. The kids were laughing. It made me laugh too. I tried to take a picture of them. This is what I got:

See the dog's tail?

Stupid snow.

Today maybe I’ll be bored enough to do some kind of work. Or not.


  1. Carol

    I’ve taken to feeling badly for squirrels (…I know, I know … “rats with tails”…), as after a snow this deep they might not ever find their store of acorns again. And I bet neither Lowes nor Home Depot makes teensy little shovels for them either! As for the dogs, after seeing dear hubby shovel a nice big patch for Tucker to use as his rest room, then see the dog lean up against the snow pile itself to pee, I’ve reduced sympathy for the canis familiaris.

    …and praise God, our gutter and roof are holding on the west side of our home, where the overhang of snow, ice and icicles is crazy huge and there doesn’t seem any safe way to knock it all down at this time.

    –she who can always stitch and watch old movies and will never say she is bored once she’s retired…impoverished, maybe; bored, never.

  2. Lauren

    Wow, you’re bored with heaven. That’s incredible.

    I predict that you’ll start some small job and it will wind up being an amazing accomplishment. I just read about a lady in a similar situation. She was bored, but had a bunch of laundry to put away. She didn’t want to because her dresser drawers were so crowded. She started sorting through one drawer, then all of them, then her closet and wound up with a giant pile of give-aways, her laundry put away, and two empty drawers.

    Or maybe you’ll just nap. That’d be fantastic, too.

    • Carol

      Uh…that lady you read about, Lauren…where does she live? [I’m surprised at myself for not having thought to do all that by now myself!]

  3. Beth

    If you know anyone who owns a plane you could get them to fly you out here – you can be bored watching TV with my kids and I’ll get some work done. Yes?

    • Jill

      I have a better idea, Beth. How about the plane comes and picks up the kids and drops them off at Uncle Brad’s? I mean, we’re dreaming, right??

  4. Peggy

    I get bored too…and yet doing some kind of work in the house seems worse than boredom.

    I hope to go for a walk today. My court is not plowed & probably won’t be today. So my feet will be my only transportation.

    But first, I’m making chocolate chip cookies.

    • Brad

      Mmm… I would make chocolate chip cookies, but I can usually eat a few and dump the rest in the teacher workroom at school. If I made them now, I might eat ALL of them!

      • Peggy

        You should make them. You could feed the extras to the birds, squirrels, mailman, etc.

        I made mine because I really craved the rawness. And it was GREAT!!

      • Michele

        We have a similar problem – a few days ago we made lots of cookies for tonight’s SET Coffee House. Now that it is not happening, we have to sacrifice ourselves and eat the cookies! Bummer.

        I’m getting a little bored too … sleep in, shovel, eat, nap, clean something, eat, nap, watch TV, eat nap, pretend to school work, eat nap.

        I told Randy – it’s a good thing we are trapped in a house with people we like! Leslie has been here since Friday and David isn’t sick of her yet. I guess their relationship will last.

        We’ve played some games – Pictionary had us laughing our buns off! Tonight is a good TV night – can’t wait!

        • Carol

          Yummm…buns! We made cinnamon buns with cream cheese icing yesterday for break – – oh, you didn’t mean that kind, did you? Ahem. My bad.

          Indeed, that Leslie sounds like a keeper. I mean, there are usually folks already members of one’s family of whom one becomes “sick” after all these days trapped indoors. Not over here, of course. Now, the cat and dog are tending to beat up on one another by now, but hubby and I are tag-teaming the shoveling and enjoying being caught up on everything we’ve ever DVRed to date. Peace and harmony reign supreme. Guess this is a dry run for our retirement years – we might just be able to pull that off, too!

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