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Something to Show for It

I didn’t waste the entire day yesterday. Denis went to work, driving through snow and slush to get out of Evergreen Ave. I shoveled his parking spot and my truck and the road itself. I felt important as people passed by and admired my hard work. By the time I finished, I was actually able to make the short trip to the grocery store. I drove!

Later in the day I cleaned the kitchen floor. The tiles get ugly-dirty. I typically sweep, then spray each tile with cleaner and wipe it with paper towels. I don’t know that I’d eat off this floor, but it looks nicer than when I started. And I did something yesterday!

I know, I know... I've heard it a million times: I should really put some sealer on that grout.


  1. Carol

    Let me get this straight: you spray EACH tile INDIVIDUALLY with cleaner, then wipe EACH tile with a paper towel to dry it?? [What – no toothbrush?!?!] You may borrow our Swiffer Wet Jet any time, friend – it’s gotta be easier/faster/uses no paper toweling/better all around. But I agree – your floor is terrifically clean. Ours has never looked that clean in the 26 years we’ve lived here! (Might be time for a new floor, too…)

  2. Lauren

    First – that is a cool shot.

    Second – you shoveled the road? That right there wins you all kinds of points. Holy Aching Back, Batman!

  3. Peggy


  4. Peggy

    Really, that is awesome that you did all that! But why have you kept your Herculean strength a secret all this time?

    I hope you can walk today … in an upright position!

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