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Thanksgiving in February

I don’t believe I’ve ever done this before: I cooked a turkey and it wasn’t Thanksgiving.

Denis got a free turkey from work at Thanksgiving time, but since my family was in town, I had bought a giant turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. That little 11.5 pound turkey has been in the freezer ever since. Yesterday I cooked it. I didn’t bother with all the regular trimmings. I just made mashed potatoes. I had a meal of turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy. Mmmm… it was soooo good.

Note for next time: I used red potatoes and left the skins on, since I was being lazy. I didn’t care for skin-in mashed potatoes along with my turkey. I won’t do that again.

It was so little and cute!


  1. Lauren

    Ha! That’s the kind of weirdness a couple of freak snowstorms should bring out. Delicious-looking weirdness, I should say. Mmmmmmmm…….

  2. Kristi

    The perfect shade of browned-doneness.

  3. Peggy

    Thou dost maketh me covet thine turkey! Yummeth!!

  4. Carol

    Reminds me of a pair of black and white snaps you had on your board a few years back when the late great Ned was still with us…………..but this bird looks ready to eat! Congratulations on thinking outside the proverbial holiday box, too. Now I wonder what Easter dinner will be – stuffed rock fish?

    We’re having “Mustgo” tonight. You know…”everything in the frig must go”? Leftovers from more cooking in a single week than I believe we have ever done before. Ever. God bless the blizzards of ’10!

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