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Ron Smith

I was already listening to talk radio when I moved to Baltimore, but once I found Ron Smith, it got really interesting. I like him because he has libertarian sentiments, but is very level-headed. He’s on in the afternoons until 6pm, so I can often listen to 15 minutes of his show on my way home. Sometimes I’ve even sat in my truck for a minute or two to hear the end of a conversation he’s having with a guest.

Over the snow day break, I discovered something wonderful: The radio station he’s on has a cable channel, and during his show they point a camera at him and let it run. I can watch his radio show! Now that school’s back in session, I can only catch the end of the show, but still… It’s Ron Smith! He’s on my TV!

It's fun seeing his radio voice come out of an actual person.


  1. Lauren

    You can DVR it, right?

    He looks like Slartibartfast. I like him already.

  2. Lloyd

    Radio stations with cable TV channels. Movies with video games. Newspapers with websites. Books with… um… yeah, books are still okay.

    • Brad

      They should make books with scratch-and-sniff. Wouldn’t that be awesome? While you’re reading about people having a roast beef dinner, you could smell it. If they were in a forest, you could smell it. It’s a million dollar idea I tell ya…

      • Peggy

        That would be awesome! Except someone like me might start eating certain pages!

      • Carol

        Have you checked out the children’s section of many bookstores lately? I think this has indeed been thunk of already. Brilliant, I agree, but perhaps not the money-maker you were envisioning…

        By the way, as one of our semester projects in Earth Science this marking period, I’ve given students the option to compose a children’s book about either weather/storms or clouds. One of the students showed me his rough draft today. Hysterical! It includes an evil armadillo, a talking acorn, and the hero – Super Squirrel (whose ensemble bears a strike resemblance to another Super Hero we know and love…”It’s a bird!” It’s a plane!” “It’s SUPER SQUIRREL!”) If you knew he went through our middle school and I gave the initials SB, would you be able to figure out who this could be? He could be a Manga or comic book writer, I tell ya’.

        But enough about me…

  3. Brent

    Tell Ron to get a podcast!

  4. Anna

    that is awesome! it is radio on T.V!

  5. Carol

    With the Olympics often disrupting my precious DOOL (you soap watchers know what those initials mean – and now that Melanie was shot – on her wedding day, no less! – I can’t miss a day!), discovering channel 11-2 on our HD bunny ears unit in the craft room was a real gift. I would occasionally listen to morning WBAL radio there, but it didn’t matter that there is a visual ‘cuz the dj is – well – apparently vertically challenged, so I can’t see much of his face on any given day anyway. So, yes, Lloyd – we listen to radio through our TV here. More often than we may care to admit.

    • Karla

      Who’s Melanie?! She must be a fairly recent addition… But the poor girl, getting shot on her wedding day and all.

      • Carol

        “Bastard” daughter of Dr. Carly Manning (“she’s baaaa-aaack!”) and MeanguyIcan’trecallnameof. She hit Salem a few summers ago…wound up being accused of killing her own SOB father, too (“he was crying? why?!”) but now Vivian Alemagne is back (I LOVE what Louise Sorel does with that witch’s part!!) to use Melanie to avenge her nephew, Lawrence’s, cold-blooded murder at the hand of his former wife, one said Dr. Manning. Oh, yes – much has happened in Salem in recent months, fans! (translation: they finally got a writing staff, it seems – bravo!)

    • Peggy

      I’m a Y&R girl myself.

      • Carol

        Undoubtedly one of the many reasons my husband is so fond of you, Pegster! He and Danny started watching that at Grandma’s knee. That’s how I got into One Life to Live and General Hospital years ago (now affectionately called Gangster’s Hospital – I stopped watching several mob assassinations ago).

        Bet Brad’s excited about all the soap opera c*** on his blog, eh? he he

        • Brad

          I once read about a couple of girls getting around their school’s firewall by “chatting” back and forth in the comment section of a blog. 🙂

        • Carol

          Now…what are you really trying to say here, sir?
          (he he..never actually thought of that before…)

          The Pegster and I “chat” from our mutual work stations via the ancient communication form known as electronic mail. We don’t need no stinkin’ blog to “chat” through! (Besides, it wouldn’t shock me if blogs are blocked at school these days, too…)

          But thanks for not deleting us anyway!!

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