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As I was sitting on my couch last night, Gus jumped up to join me. There was a speck on his back. I thought it was fuzz. He has a tendency to lick spots of fuzz and swallow them, so I reached for the speck to pull it off. It moved.

The speck was a flea! Gus had a flea. I quickly chased it down and grabbed it, then took it to the sink, where I smothered it with some liquid soap.

I’m so glad to be done with my flea infestation. Whew!




  1. Lauren

    How on earth did he get a flea? Does he go outside or is it a hitchhiker from the animal hospital?

  2. Lloyd

    You should remain vigilant. For every flea that you see, there are often 3 to 5.6 that you don’t see.

  3. Peggy

    Are you sure that’s not a tick. It looks awfully big for a flea. Where’s the quarter when you need it?

    • Bev Greunke

      I agree with Peggy…..But You Are The Animal “Professional” Please set us straight….Kinda looks like a critter I used to find on my children after they were playing out in an area that had trees……<3 Aunt Bev 🙂

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