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Working and Snacking

I worked at school again yesterday. I finished my paperwork. I’m caught up! Yay!

I usually just drink lots of coffee and lose my appetite while I’m working at school. Yesterday, I drank not quite as much coffee, and ate something. There was a bake sale after church, and I got some shortbread and some pumpkin bread. Mmm…

I don't know what the difference is between pumpkin bread and pumpkin pudding bread.

I don’t know what the difference is between pumpkin bread and pumpkin pudding bread.

I was done by mid-afternoon. I spent a quiet evening at home doing laundry and watching tv.

Now if only I can keep up with the paperwork on a daily basis. Come on, Brad! You can do it!


  1. Lauren

    Hooray for you! I’m very proud of you! 😀

    I don’t know how to feel about pumpkin pudding bread. Those are three words that increase grossness-to-tastiness, but those ingredients together? Hmmmmm…….

  2. Diane Wilson

    There’s a box of pudding mix in the ingredients. It helps to keep the bread moist. I know several ladies in the church that make it. It’s usually pretty good.

  3. Carol

    WOO HOO! Great news, sir (both about the snacks and the grading)! Now just remember – assign no new work from now until June and you’ll staycaught up! (….no, huh? Well, it was a thought anyway.)

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