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Working and Warmth

Yesterday was a productive day. I started out in the morning just looking to get a weeding tool. I’m not sure what this tool is called, but I had one in Baltimore and used it all the time. It’s great because it gets under the roots of the weeds and gets them out for good.

After weeding, I worked in the garage a bit, but I didn’t take any pictures. It’s much nicer in there than it was. Then I potted some plants I’ve been meaning to get outside. They need full sun. They are three kinds of succulents that I’ve put in one pot. I like how they look:

I will write their names out here, so I have a record of them in the memory archive:
Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’
Sedum adolphi ‘Shooting Stars’
Sedum ‘Aurora’/ Sedum rubrotinctum

While I was working outside, my next-door neighbor saw me and invited me to a party they were having last night. A bunch of their friends were getting together to have snacks and sing Christmas songs.

It was fun to meet some new people and to get to know my neighbors better. I’m so glad I went.

I was also excited to see the fire thingies that Lauren has talked about. They were on the tables as heat sources. I thought that if she was at the party, she would have been so excited! They even had a big bucket of pellets and a box of wood chunks to feed into the fire pots.

It was late when I got to bed. Hopefully I can get my school work done today.


  1. Carol

    We’ve always had/used hand weeders to remove dandelions by the roots, etc. Good catch! (Yes, that seems to be the official name…”weeder”. Pretty technical, I know. ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

    That neighborhood party sounded wonderful – God’s once again put you in a good place, hasn’t He? Advent blessings…

  2. Lauren

    Because I am easily distractible, I saw the Mesa stove in the top right corner of your second photo and my heart rate SHOT UP. Those are 2 for $120 at Costco right now and I am not buying them, but I do look at them to further my research. Thank you for thinking of me! ๐Ÿ˜€

    That carol singing idea is great for a party. How fun!

  3. Beth

    Dandelion picker.
    Thatโ€™s what Cheryl Kroger told me, and she knows things.

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