I keep a steady supply of replacement inserts for Bruno’s scratching pad. My most recent inserts were an accidental buy – they’re wavy instead of flat. I was a little worried that Bruno wouldn’t use them, but he seems ok with wavy.
Hehe… in this picture he doesn’t look like he’s okay with it, but he really is.
It’s the hot season in Southern California. I’m glad to be closer to the ocean, where breezes keep the temperature down. Farther inland, temperatures are hitting the triple digits.
Even so, I’m running the air conditioner a lot. I love air conditioning. I often run it even when it’s cooler out. There’s something different about air-conditioned air.
Bruno, however, does not care for cooler air. I keep a blanket on the couch for him to burrow under, but lately he hasn’t been using it. He’s found a spot in the garage. The door to the garage is always open, because that’s where the litter box is, but the air conditioning doesn’t make it there, so it’s warm. Bruno loves it.
I got a new kind of cat food for Bruno a while back. It’s working out well. His stomach seems to be so much better now. And he does like to eat it.
He’s always done a weird thing when I first fill his food bowl – he takes some kibbles out, and drops them on the floor, and eats them one at a time. After those first bits, he goes to the bowl and eats normally. Perhaps he’s suspicious that I’m trying to poison him, so he’s doing a test first?
I guess if I’m going to assassinate him, it will have to be by some other means than poisoning.
Bruno has been extra rascally lately. He’s jumped onto the kitchen counter several times, and he’s been trying to attack me more. He even jumped onto the top of the refrigerator! I never!
There are little spiky trays to keep him off the kitchen countertops, but he found another way to get up there.
He walked across the top of the stove hood. Sheesh! How did he even get up there? I have no idea.
A fly got into my house last night. Bruno chased it around quite a bit. I was impressed with his keen senses. At one point, the fly flew by while Bruno was under his blanket, and he heard it. He really got excited whenever it flew against the window:
I don’t think he ever caught it, but it sure was entertaining for a while.
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