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Category: Cat (Page 2 of 58)

Max and Ned and Gus and Bruno

Hunting Instincts

A fly got into my house last night. Bruno chased it around quite a bit. I was impressed with his keen senses. At one point, the fly flew by while Bruno was under his blanket, and he heard it. He really got excited whenever it flew against the window:

I don’t think he ever caught it, but it sure was entertaining for a while.

Cleaning and Cat

Yesterday morning was dedicated to cleaning. It’s so much easier to clean someone else’s house than your own! Anyway, it’s all clean and ready for the next person, which I think is a long-term sub to cover for a pregnancy leave.

My plane ride was uneventful. Almost boring. What a wonderful thing 🙂

When I got home, Bruno was very vocal and clingy – some of my favorite characteristics in a cat. He was particularly interested in smelling everything.

Roses and Rerun

The roses really grew while I was gone. I love them! They all smell so good, and they are so big now, I don’t have to bend over to smell them.

There are so many flowers. As the petals fall, they’re drying up and piling next to the steps. I feel like I should gather them in a bowl or something…

I did go out yesterday. I wanted to get some litter for Bruno. The pet store had cat grass. I tried it once before, but he wasn’t really into it. I tried it again:

He liked it! He ate a few blades, then came back for more.

Nebraska to California, Day 3

The final leg of the trip was a familiar one. I have done the drive from Las Vegas to Los Angeles a few times, most recently, about a month ago.

Still, it was fun to be coming back home again:

It was even more fun to see Bruno again. He was excited to see me too.

We got the stuff out of the rental car, and got it returned yesterday already. Bruno was curious about all of it. He particularly liked this new chair:

Today I will still get up early, since I have an appointment at the orthodontist. The rest of the day will be for unpacking and reacclimating.

Celebratory Supper

Yesterday was the last day of VBS, which means I won’t have any regularly scheduled work-related activities (other than church) for the rest of the summer. I celebrated by going out to eat.

I had sushi! It’s been a long time. All the places I’ve found around here are kind of pricey, so it’s not really a go-to meal these days.

When I got home, I had Bruno celebrate with me. I opened a can of wet food. He loved it!

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