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Category: Cat (Page 3 of 57)

Max and Ned and Gus and Bruno

Couch Cat

After I get up from sitting on the couch, Bruno likes to sit in the spot where I was, because it’s warm. Last night he struck a pose:

And then he struck another one:


Birthday Boy

I can’t believe I forgot to mention it yesterday – it was Bruno’s birthday! He’s one year old! Yay! Happy Birthday, Bruno!

When I got home from church last night, I gave Bruno a birthday treat.

He almost couldn’t wait for me to finish singing “Happy Birthday”.

Snug Super Bowl

I watched the Super Bowl yesterday. It was an exciting one. I had asked my students who people around here were cheering for. They said: “Neither!” Heh.

I liked the commercials. They seemed better than recent years. There were more funny ones. I liked that. Not that I’m much of a commercial connoisseur anymore. I hardly ever see commercials these days.

I had my windows open when the game started. My house needed some fresh air. It made it kind of cold. I had to use a blanket. Mmm… It felt good…

Bruno was happy too. He loves sleeping in the tent space created by my knees. He couldn’t see the TV from there, but like my students, he didn’t care who won either.

Toasty Tabby

When I posted about Bruno liking warm spots under blankets, my friend Diane from Maui sent me an email to tell me about a special pet mat that reflects body heat to keep your furry (or not so furry) friend warm.

I got one!

This was his first time on it. I think he likes it! He’s so snuggled in!

Thanks for the suggestion, Diane!

Snug Spot

I said yesterday that Bruno’s current favorite spot is in a blanket-tent under my knees. His second favorite spot is where I sit on the couch, right after I get up. I tend to give off a lot of body heat, so I’m sure that spot is warm.

He doesn’t stay there though, because if I’m getting up, that means I’m going to another room, and he can’t stand being by himself

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