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Category: Journal (Page 2 of 902)

Birthday Buddies

One of my co-workers had her birthday on the seventh, then mine was the eighth, then another co-worker had hers yesterday, on the tenth. How fun!

Yesterday’s birthday girl had a milestone birthday, so some of the other teachers set up some decorations. One of them was this banner:

I’ve seen things like this before, and it’s fun to see, but I wonder if it might be more fun to see one from when you’re fifteen instead of one from when you’re born. I was five in 1975, and don’t really remember it. But if I saw one from 1985? That might spark some memories.

Seeing the Superbowl

I watched the Superbowl yesterday. I don’t really watch any sports at all anymore, and don’t even have a passing knowledge of what’s going on in sports, but the Superbowl still seems like more of a cultural thing to me.

I do like the sound of a football game. It reminds me of lazy weekends when I was a kid.

Of course I’m always interested in watching the commercials. There were no big standouts for me, but I was excited to see my name in one of them:

Delightful Day

It was a wonderful birthday yesterday. In the morning I got a massage. It’s been a while, because the last place I went to was in an inconvenient location. This new place is close to my school, so maybe I could stop there on the way home on Fridays or something.

I had a nice lunch, then went home and relaxed. In the evening, I ate a lot of junk food.

First Festivities

It’s my birthday! Woo hoo! I’m 55. That’s so weird! And fun! I love multiples of 11.

Yesterday at school was fun. The day started with some lion dancers, in honor of the lunar new year. It was so interesting. The kids loved it.

I had told my kids that my birthday is today, and they all signed a card for me and gave me junk food. It was awesome. One of them also did a hand-made card.

Ha! I’ve had kids tell me I look like Gru before, but I’ve never had someone draw me as him. And she included herself as a minion! I love it!

Design Difference

My current shampoo bottle is almost empty. I stopped by Target to get a new one. I’ve been using the same kind of shampoo for years, but it seems like every time I get it, the bottle is different. This time, it’s really different:

The new one looks so fancy! I did open it to smell it, and it smells the same. That’s the important thing.

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