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Category: Journal (Page 3 of 872)

More Big Screen Fun

We went to see The Goonies yesterday. It was showing in a movie theater in Lincoln. This is now my second old movie that I’ve got to in a movie theater. The first one was LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring.

Goonies never say die!

I think I might start seeking these out. It’s so fun to see an old movie that I know I already like in the theater instead of on a TV. It’s such a different experience.

Catching Up with Catan

Last night, we played Settlers of Catan. It had been a LONG time since I played it. I think. I couldn’t remember. My last Bradaptation post about Catan is from December of 2021. Had it really been three years?

Anyway, I did sort of remember how to play, and at least made a good showing. Beth won.

And I did make my customary Tower of Doom. This isn’t the tallest one I built, but it is one that uses all of my game pieces.

A Quick Trip to Lincoln

Lloyd’s been at a conference for the last few days. Yesterday, Lauren and I went to Lincoln to pick him up.

Our first stop was a discount warehouse place. They have rotating stock that is overstock or dent and ding. It was fun to browse.

Our next stop was the Goodwill store. We went there all the time in college!

It was closed. D’oh! Two stores down there was a antique store. We browsed there. The most interesting thing I saw was actual old gum in its actual old packages. The boxes full of gum were $800 and $425. If it was cheaper, I would have loved to taste it…

After we got Lloyd, we went to a pizza place and had a delicious dinner, then headed back to Seward, accompanied by a beautiful sunset.

Rooster Restaurant

My Aunt Linda and Uncle Paul invited me and my mom for dinner last night. We met them in a town called Ceresco. It’s famous for commercials of a furniture store called Ernie’s of Ceresco. We did indeed drive past Ernie’s, but we ate at a place called The Legendary Red Rooster restaurant and lounge.

It was good food. I had a French dip sandwich. And a salad with Dorothy Lynch salad dressing on it – something that’s always on my list to eat when I’m here.

It was great to see Paul and Linda. We chatted and got all caught up.

Mite Monday

I was over at Beth’s house yesterday morning, and she asked for help treating her bees for mites. She has a device that connects to a car battery and heats up oxalic acid powder and vaporizes it. You put that thing under the hive, and the vapor rises up and kills the mites, but not the bees. Nice!

Beth is holding the heater thingy in the foreground of this picture:

Beth held a blanket over the front door of the hives while I stuck the heater thingy under the hives. It worked pretty well. No one got stung 🙂

I always like being at the back of Beth’s yard because her neighbor has such pretty lilies. She had a particularly big and beautiful lily yesterday:

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