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New Salad

My church does a thing called “Dinners for Eight”. People who want to participate get put into groups, then they take turns eating at each other’s houses. The host provides the main dish and drinks, the guests bring the rest. I have developed something of a reputation for salads, so my hosts often ask that I bring them. My reputation is mostly based on my version of Panera Bread’s Fandango Salad. I’ve brought some of my own inventions as well though.

My next dinner is tonight. Last night I decided I would try to reproduce a salad from another restaurant. This time it’s Sushi Hana – my favorite sushi place. The salad is iceberg lettuce with a carrot dressing. I got close to replicating the dressing, but there’s something slightly different about my version. I don’t know if I’m leaving something out or using the wrong kind of vinegar or what. It’s still quite tasty though. It’s made with food-processed carrots, rice vinegar, a little water, and sugar. Very simple, but very good. I think it will be a hit tonight.

I added red cabbage for color.

The carrot part looks better in person.

UPDATE: I just made the dressing for tonight. It must be cold to taste it’s best, so I wanted it to chill in the refrigerator all day. I found the missing ingredient! It’s ginger. Here’s the recipe:

1 16oz bag baby carrots
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup seasoned rice vingegar
1/4 cup water
1/4 teaspoon ginger powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
Blend in a food processor. Chill.


  1. Peggy

    Wouldn’t your next dinner have to be next week? Although it is past Thursday, so is today actually next Saturday?

    (Sorry I could only look at this particular salad for a milli-second before having to turn away, … in lieu of my recent condition)

    And do you come up with the recipe thru trial & error or look it up? BTW: I like your new diamond shaped bowls better then (than) the square ones.

    • Brad

      I should have said “My next dinner is this tonight.” That would have prevented confusion.

      This particular recipe was from tasting. I knew it had carrots. I knew it was sweet. I knew it had vinegar. It was a sushi restaurant, so it must’ve been rice vinegar. Since it was Japanese food, ginger was a logical choice for the missing ingredient. And salt just makes everything taste better.

      • Lauren

        ‘This’ tonight – ha!! I almost peed! If you guys are going to be this funny, I’m going to have to install a computer in the bathroom.

  2. Michele

    Are you taking chopsticks with which to eat this salad creation? I thought that was the most exciting part of the salad at Sushi Hana! It should be named Sushi Ha Ha based on my experience!

  3. Kim

    Your salad looks delicious…except for the rabbit vomit dressing.

    • Beth

      Somebody had to say it. Thank you, Kim.

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