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Dag Nabbit, Rabbit!

There has been a rabbit in my garden the last couple of weeks. I would have known even if I hadn’t seen it because some of my seedlings were eaten.
Rabbits are evil.

On Sunday, I saw the rabbit again and decided to shoot it with my BB gun, but I couldn’t find my pellets. By Monday I had found my pellets, but when I took a shot at the rabbit I aimed too high and it cleverly ran into the bank parking lot next door, so I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t be seen with my gun because BB guns are illegal in Baltimore City. Wily rabbit.

On my way out for school yesterday, I saw it again. This time I remembered to aim low. I hit it! It limped out to the bank parking lot and sat there, immobile and injured. I wouldn’t be able to use my gun. Dang it! So I grabbed the shovel…

They never make it easy.

I buried it so it wouldn’t stink. Here lies the rabbit:
Now fertilizing my garden instead of damaging it.


  1. Lauren

    stony silence

    • Brad

      I told you you would like it!
      Just be glad I didn’t include any details.
      The incident left me shaky, and I’m an experienced rodent killer!

      • Karla

        You told Lauren she’d like hearing about you bludgeoning one of God’s innocent, hungry creatures? You’re even more heartless than I thought!

      • former science teacher

        No, no, no – NED is the experienced RODENT killer. YOU seem to be an over-zealous killer of the cute furry LAGAMORPHs.

        And, frankly, when I need fertilizer for my garden, I don’t go out and KILL a LARAMORPH to bury there; I just go to Home Depot and…

        And have I ever told you about the time the police came to our home when I was little because my Grandmother was shooting at rabbits in our veggie patch out back — with a REAL rifle? For some reason, a man passing down our street with his young son and overhearing this became concerned….too late for me; my concern was already bawling in her bedroom over what ever had happened to cause my Gramma to be so angry at Bugs Bunny…you gardeners have issues!

  2. Lloyd

    Um, where were the pellets?

  3. Michele

    Thanks once again for making me sick to my stomach this early in the morning! You’re an evil gardener!

  4. Annette

    The lesser evil would have been to sprinkle human hair around the plants in your garden, which I understand keep wabbits aray….I wouldn’t suggest bb-ing or shoveling any human to demise for their hair, however, I’m sure your barber would save your clippings.

    • Brad

      I’ve tried those lesser solutions. The rabbits mock me! They scoff at my weak attempts to scare them. They fear only death.

      I suspect they are in league with the ant queen.

  5. Karla

    You’re off my Christmas card list. You won’t notice for about 5 years, because that’s about as often as I get them out.

  6. Kim

    You are bringing back evil memories of my childhood.

    Every year my dad would get out his 22 and shoot a rabbit in my mother’s garden. The rabbit would be left in the garden for a day or so, so that the other rabbits could make good decisions about our neighbor’s garden.

    My dad remembers having to shoot the rabbit while three young girls would cry and beg him not to do it.

    I am calling you at 3AM when I am up with nightmares tonight.

    And I thought we agreed: NO MORE DEAD ANIMAL POSTS!

  7. Denis

    How was your “teaching” trip in Florida? see link…


    • Kim

      There are some truths in this world that I choose to ignore. That is one of them.

    • Beth

      Heh. You’re funny, Denis.

  8. Peggy

    @#$* *&@# $#%^ *&^@ *&$ #$*@ !!!!!!!

    (some one had to say it to your face!)

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