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Quick Darkness

As December approaches, the days get shorter and shorter. Each day I after school I have a voice in my head that screams, “Get home before it’s dark!” By the end of the month, the urge to leave begins before the last class is over. Some days I can beat the dark, but other days I can’t.

Today our midterm grades are due. I had forgotten, so I stayed after school to finish up some grading yesterday. That meant I was there until way after the sun had set. The voice in my head had quieted by the time I left, because the race was already lost.

It’s less than a month now until the Winter Solstice and the Longest Night. I’ll be glad when we pass the hump. If only I could hibernate until Spring. Wait… I already sleep a lot. Maybe no one would notice if I just kicked it up a notch…

The hideous darkness.


  1. Karla

    I hate the winter darkness here. Since we’re so close to the line for the next time zone (we’re on central, but very close to eastern) it gets dark really early. By the middle of next month, it will be completely dark outside by just after 4:30 in the afternoon. It’s so depressing.

  2. Lauren

    Could you set up a secret apartment at school? Then you’d already be home, and that voice could do something useful – like your taxes.

  3. Annette

    I love the dark—the voice in my head says, “glass of wine and fireplace!”

    • Peggy

      The dark says to me, “Time for bed … sleep long & well.”

  4. Peggy

    Brad, Why do you fear not being home by dark? Are you worried you’ll be attacked by a pack of Aye-Ayes?

    • Brad

      Haven’t you seen them crouching in the darkness on the edge of the parking lot? They’re watching… waiting…

      • Beth

        You killed one of their relatives in your garden, didn’t you?

  5. Brad

    Ha! Peggy just sent me this picture.
    Imagine a group of these waiting for you in the dark!

    • Beth

      That disturbs me.

    • Michele

      I have days when I think I must look like that to the students – like yesterday when I wanted to wring every last neck!

  6. Carol

    In Emeril’s words then, “BAM!”

    Are yon no longer using your patented student anesthetizing device, otherwise known as running your heat on “high” in your classroom all day merely to maintain order and discipline? I always wondered how you managed to remain conscious yourself under those adverse conditions……oh, that’s right…..

    …and those critters ARE disturbing. I’m sleeping with the eyelids up tonight!

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