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Sugar Alcohol Experiment, Continued

I got a new tube of toothpaste a few weeks ago. I wanted to use it for a while before posting a report. This is another flavor of Tom’s of Maine toothpaste. It’s called Wintermint. What’s different about this flavor is that it is sweetened. It makes such a difference in flavor! The Wintermint has a strong minty taste. It is exactly like regular toothpastes. Except for the sweetener. It uses xylitol.

I’ve been doing a little reading about xylitol. It is not calorie free. That must be why there are no diet soft drinks that are sweetened with it. If most of the world is okay drinking sucralose and aspartame, which have zero calories, why introduce a diet drink that actually has calories? I wish someone would. There seems to be a host of other reasons why a person might want to use xylitol though. How come I haven’t heard more about it? Is there a “sucralose mob” or an “aspartame consortium” that are suppressing information? …or is it because in large amounts xylitol has a laxative effect?

Whatever the case, here are the results of my experiment: After weeks of use, I think I can pretty confidently say that xylitol does not leave a funny taste in my mouth. The toothpaste tastes good, and leaves me with no regrets.

Just like eating a mint in winter.

Sweet, sweet xylitol.


  1. Karla

    We have a pharmacist friend who uses this exclusively in his house. We’ve been over for dinner a few times and they’ve used it. It’s really tasty! πŸ™‚

    • Deanne

      Ummmm, xylitol as a sweetener in foods? Or did they bring toothpaste to your dinner?

      • Karla

        They used the toothpaste to sweeten the food. Yummm-mmmeee! Nothing like some Tom’s of Maine squirted on a big bowl of strawberries to be served over shortcake! πŸ˜‰

  2. Beth

    And how do you know about this laxative effect?

  3. Peggy

    1st-Do you really only use a pea-sized amt.? Seems impossible that it would suds enough.

    2nd-I would think finding the right toothpaste would be a breeze for someone who can stomach 2 overflowing tbls. of Flaxseed, straight up, every morning.


    • Beth

      Seriously. You ate blood soup. I’m with Peggy, seems you could stomach anything.

  4. Lauren

    Xylitol has to be horribly addicting, right?

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