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New Computer

Sometimes when I make large purchases, I do lots and lots of research. I check to see what the best deal is and which bells and whistles I might need. But sometimes when I make large purchases, I just do it quickly because choosing can be agonizing. Yesterday was the second kind of situation.

Last night I went to Best Buy to look at computers. It’s probably the worst place to get a computer from, but it was close by and I was anxious to have a computer. After browsing a little, I called Lloyd at Customer Service. He gave me lots of advice, most of which I didn’t take because it required planning or work or waiting. I did hear some of what he said though. I didn’t get the first computer that caught my eye. It was a Dell that looked kind of like a Storm Trooper. Lloyd said I shouldn’t get that one, so I didn’t. My next choice was a computer that was a tiny Hewlett-Packard. It looked more like Darth Vader. Lloyd didn’t exactly tell me not to get it, but said I could get the same features for a lot less money …but it would require planning or work or waiting.

I got the small HP. It’s so cute! And after all, I think that’s what I’m looking for in a personal computer anyway.

It's just like a 'Baby Muppets' Darth Vader.

Here's the old computer for comparison.


  1. Beth

    So, you’re looking for tiny and cute? That’s the real reason you’re getting Max, isn’t it?

  2. Michele

    Awww – he’s so cute!
    Do you feel better now that the first week of meetings is over AND that you got to buy something besides mulch?

  3. Lloyd

    Your new computer makes your old monitor look huge. I think you need to get a smaller monitor. You can bring your old monitor here. I’ll dispose of it for you.

  4. Lauren

    Who’s a cute widdle pwocessor? Who’s got the cutest-wutest widdle hard drive? Awwww…..

    • Karla

      Lauren, you’re going to give it a complex…

  5. Carol

    I’m tellin’ ya’, Sparky: ya’ coulda’ had something nearly like that for about $200 from our hallowed institution itself. ‘Course, remembering what a great bargain shopper you can be, I’m sure this new one didn’t run you much more than that anyway, right?


    Anyway…You are welcome for dinner any time you have more days left at the end of a pay period than you have pay. Period.

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