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Month: June 2008 (Page 6 of 6)

Morning Grading

I don’t handle schedule changes very well. I get a little confused and sometimes I get irritable. So I’ve been continuing to get up in the mornings as if nothing has changed. It’s a good thing, because I still have papers to grade before this coming Tuesday. I had given some projects to both the 7th and 8th graders in the last weeks of school. Because things were so crazy the last weeks, I didn’t have time or energy to grade the projects. So I’m doing it now.

I go in to school before our meetings start and get a good hour or hour and a half in. I’m glad, because by the time we’re done with meetings, all I can do is fall asleep at my desk. I figure I’ll have to do this about three more mornings and I’ll get my stuff done. Meanwhile, I’ll keep chugging the coffee.

While I grade, I’ve been listening to the Prince Caspian soundtrack. It makes my grading feel dangerous and exciting.

Thanks to Michele for taking today's picture.

My Closet

As it turns out, my closet isn’t very messy. Probably mostly because I don’t use it much. The floor has to stay clean because that’s where I keep my clothes hamper. The white shoes are for when I wear my powder blue tuxedo with ruffly shirt. I usually keep them in a shoe bag in the basement, but they’re upstairs for some reason.

The hangers are all wood and mostly from IKEA. There are some strays in there that I don’t know where they came from. They don’t quite match and it bothers me, but not enough to do anything about it. I wear the suits on Sundays. The white shirts are my teacher shirts; they’re great for hiding white chalk stains. The rest of the hanging shirts are mostly just there because I haven’t brought myself to get rid of them. I hardly ever wear them.

Can you see the giant sword against the back wall?

The top shelf is probably the messiest looking area in the closet. It has lots of folded things, but they’re all a little askew, so it looks messy. These are my spare linens. The leopard print sheets are from when my cat Ned slept in my bed. Because he had no hair, he left oil spots. It was kind of gross looking, so I got print sheets to hide the spots. The material is very stiff though, so I didn’t like it. Plus, that one time the electrician came over earlier than he said, I hadn’t made my bed and he saw the leopard sheets. I was embarrassed. When I have Max sleep with me I’ll just wash the sheets often.

Maybe someday I'll re-fold and re-stack this. Then I could spend the rest of the day resting from a job well done.

Not Done

The kids are out of school, but things are far from over. First, there’s the Middle School meetings. We’re scheduled for five days. Then there’s the all-school meetings. Another four days. What could we possibly talk about for nine days? I’m a little worried I’ll fall asleep. Good thing I’ve been laying off the coffee lately. My tolerance for caffeine should be down.

In between all the meetings, I also have to finish my teacher duties. I let my grading pile up a little the last couple of weeks, so I have lots to do in that area. I also need to put stuff away in my classroom: pack maps away, take down posters, clear off bulletin boards, etc. I started on my desk yesterday. It looks neater now, but I still have a ways to go.

A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind.


I was in the grocery store yesterday and saw eggplants. It made me crave the salty goodness of fried eggplant.

It’s pretty simple, really. Slice eggplant, dip in egg, dip in crushed soda crackers, fry. Then salt like there’s no tomorrow. I usually stop eating after four or five pieces. Last night I’m quite sure I had WAY beyond the recommended daily allowance of cooking oil. But it was so, so tasty.

For dessert, I had some cookie dough I’ve been saving in the refrigerator. Awesome!

I should probably have my arteries checked or something.

Salty fried goodness.

Well That Didn’t Take Very Long

It’s harder for me to do than I let on. Death is never pretty. Or quick. But it has to be done. I can’t allow the inevitable destruction of treasured garden plants. The sadness I would feel would be longer lasting and harder to deal with than the sickness I experience as I use the shovel for the death blow.

Not under the rose bush this time. It was raining, and I had to work fast.

If you’re sad, watch this. It’s a more light-hearted look at today’s theme. It lasts six minutes, fifty-three seconds.

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