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School Play

Yesterday I went to see our school play. It was called “Defying Gravity”. It was about the Challenger explosion. It wasn’t the cheeriest of topics, and I knew how it was going to end, but it was still very enjoyable. The kids did a good job.

I tried to take a picture, but I had the wrong camera with me. The one I had says “do-do DEET!” when you turn it on, and it has lots of lights on it. Not the best circumstances for trying to take an illegal picture. I was in the second row, so there were a ton of people behind me and any light from the camera would be noticed by the actors as well.

Here’s my best shot:

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Technical Difficulties… please stand by. (Dang it, my whole second paragraph is about the blurry picture I took and I can’t seem to upload it. I’ll keep trying during the day. I have no idea why it isn’t working.)


  1. Lauren

    Helloooo? Is it because it’s illegal?? The government is onto you, buddy.

  2. Beth

    How is a space shuttle explosion simulated on stage? I mean, really. How?

    • Brad

      They showed a movie. In fact, it was the real footage of the real explosion. I can’t for the life of me remember what I was doing when this happened. It was January 28, 1986.

      • Beth

        I was having lunch in the fellowship hall at First Lutheran in Knoxville (the cafeteria had asbestos tile being removed). Stephanie came in and told me…and I made a funny joke not believing her. Apparently my joke wasn’t so funny.

        I was in 6th grade.

        You would have been in 10th grade. And at St. Paul’s. Maybe during an interim term? If you still did that your sophomore year…

        • Peggy

          I was watching it on TV, as it happened. I still remember that horrible & shocking feeling I felt inside when it exploded….

        • Deanne

          I was in study hall at SP.

        • Karla

          I was in class with Mr Baacke. I think it was Geography. I think he told us there was an explosion in the space shuttle; it seemed like it would be something really small and there was no way something as big as the space shuttle could have been completely destroyed. When I saw it on the news that night, it just didn’t even seem possible.

  3. Deanne

    I hate it when technology doesn’t cooperate!

  4. Peggy

    Looking forward to the blurry picture & 2nd paragraph….

    I love the school plays, but I like to sit on the risers…I think you get a better view there.

    I hope you had money at this play for snacks! 🙂

  5. Carol

    Wasn’t looking forward to attending a tear-jerker, but this was handled very well – I agree. Wasn’t it clever to have a dead impressionist painter as the narrator, of sorts? Good writing, Ms. Anderson! Good acting, BLS Thespians!!

    [How ever could this play have been staged without the CNN footage available over the ‘Net? It couldn’t have been, I guess…]

    –she who has sitting in the then-MS office in 1986 when there were still study carrels (sp.) all over and one of Mrs. Frech’s student teachers wandered in in a daze to tell us what he’d just heard and we were all so stunned she can’t recall the rest of that day outside of repeatedly seeing the explosion played on the TV once she got home.

  6. beth Marshall

    This is one of the best written plays as of late. (well it is not that new- but still)
    I did the show a few years back.

    And BRAD- NO PHOTOGRAPHY in the THEATRE is one of the commandments. Number 12,

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