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New Roof: Done

My roof is done! I can’t believe how fast it went. My head is still spinning.

I rushed home yesterday to meet the roof guy and give him the one-third downpayment. When I got there, the workers were just leaving. I called the office, and they said everything was done and that I could just give the workers the full amount. I was a little nervous about that, because during the course of this whole process I haven’t felt like I knew what the heck was going on. I asked if I could bring it to the office myself. They said yes. Besides, they hadn’t done the back porch roof and I was freaking out. As it turns out, that wasn’t in the contract. How was that possible? Am I that much of an idiot? As it turns out, yes. Yes I am that much of an idiot. At least the back porch roof is in pretty good shape.

So I felt like I should ask some questions. No one had told me anything during the whole process. I was only able to ask whatever questions popped into my mind just that moment. Does the roof need some kind of coating or maintenance? No. Should the work on the skylights be done from the top or bottom? From the bottom. The top is sealed. How do I answer my neighbor’s concern that there’s no wall on the roof between our two houses? No worries. The roof works just fine without a wall.

And that was it. I have a new roof. I went to the office and wrote a check for $10,200. I’m still freaking out.

Porch roof BEFORE:
There was a pretty serious leak problem along the outer edge.

Porch roof AFTER:
A new deep gutter has been constructed.

Upper roof BEFORE
The closer bump is the old skylight.  The farther bump is an old access hatch.

Upper roof AFTER:
The roll of roofing material is obscuring the nearer skylight.

Upper roof FRONT:
It would be cool to walk around on if I weren't so scared.

I will have a little bit of work to do to open the ceiling under the stairwell skylight. But in the back room, it’s just a matter of pulling back a board.
The glass is frosted so the government can't spy on me with their satellites.


  1. Beth

    Holy cow. That was fast!

    Now, how long will it take for you to tear out all the indoor ceilings?
    And is that second skylight in your office?

    How very exciting! 😀

    • Lloyd

      You misspelled “game room”

      • Beth


      • Peggy

        HA! Very funny!

  2. Kim

    The skylights look so cool!

  3. Peggy

    I didn’t realize you were getting 2 skylights! Excellent!! Roof looks great too!! And I’m so impressed with the non-blurry roof pictures. No shaky hands on the ladder?!?…Well done son!

    But I dont’ get the neighbor’s question. Concerned there’s not a wall between the roofs?!?

    • Lauren

      I’m impressed with the photos, too. Did you really take those or did you bribe a worker? Why is that one roll still draped over something?

      • Brad

        I actually took the photos myself. It took me a looong time to get to the top of the 12 foot ladder, and once I was at the top I stopped breathing, but I did it.

        I don’t know what that roll is doing there. They never told me anything.

        • Lauren

          About the ladder – BRAVO! I am duly impressed!

          About the roll – really? There’s just some big ol’ roll of roofing sitting up there? Is it over your chimney? How will Santa get in?

        • Brad

          Oh… My photo label was a little misleading. This isn’t AFTER-after. It was more like “during”. The roofers did take that roll of stuff away. I didn’t do an AFTER-after picture because it would have required me to walk on the new porch roof, and I didn’t want to damage it.

    • Carol

      I’m not sure but I think that has to do with the presumption that if there is no firewall visible above the home (i.e., at roof level) there may be insufficient protection all along the inside separating walls against fire damage from a careless smoking next-door neighbor or some such thing.

      [Max doesn’t smoke, does he?]

    • Brad

      I didn’t realize I was getting two skylights either. It was a mistake.

  4. Michele

    I see you typed a double “yes”!
    It read just as it would if you were telling me in person!

  5. Carol

    HEY! Stop calling my friend an id-djit! I don’t have idiotic friends…I claim the right to be the resident (village?) id-djit for my very own.

    –she who once tried to put a fitted sheet on a bed while the mattress was lifted perpendicular to the bed springs…have I illustrated my point sufficiently?

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