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Repairing, Refinancing

My back porch roof is in bad shape. Sometime in December, the gutter actually fell off. I was slow to get started on plans to have it fixed, but things are finally moving along. I’ve had a couple of estimates done, and have decided on the same company that did my upper roof seven years ago.

I don’t have a bunch of money sitting around that I can spend on a new roof, so I went to the bank. I decided to refinance my mortgage and roll it together with my home equity loan. My new percentage rate is a full percentage lower! The payoff time period is shorter too. The best thing of all is that my new monthly payment is lower than my two previous payments combined, which means I’ll be able to pay extra each month and whittle away at the debt even faster. Woo hoo!

Now I just have to find all the papers the bank is asking for…

I have everything they want.  I just have to organize it.

I have everything they want. I just have to organize it.


  1. Lauren

    Good for you! I am impressed that you are actually getting this done. You are an inspiration to me to sometime think about calling someone to sometime fix my roof. Sometime.

    Also, that paper signed by ‘The Loan Department” made me think of an episode of 30 Rock where Liz is trying to get a new apartment. She meets with The Board and addresses them as such. When she is rejected, it is captured in song: http://video.vulture.com/video/30-Rock-Midnight-Train-to-Georg (It’s at around the 40 second mark).

    • Brad

      I need to start watching that show from the beginning again.

  2. Carol

    You have inspired me to stop by FFFCU myself and see what we can do about our current home equity loan for repairs – if we can make changes nearly as positive as what you sited above, it’ll take some pressure off this old gal to keep working ad infinitum .

  3. Peggy

    Awesome! It’s like getting free money!

  4. Bev Greunke

    Great Post To Read!! <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

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