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Reading for Fun and Profit

I haven’t been much of a reader in the last few years. I don’t seem to have the attention span for it during the school year, and during the summer I’ve just been really slow. I’ve only been getting two or three books read per year. But after reading A Single Shard kind of by accident, I asked Pam in the library for a suggestion. She said I should read When Legends Die so I could tell her what I thought. I was frustrated during most of the book because people were taking advantage of the main character. Does that mean it was a good book because I had an emotional reaction to it, or does that mean it was a bad book because my emotion was frustration? I started the latest Eragon book, Brisingr, during my day of jury duty. I just finished it yesterday.

I’ve actually been enjoying reading. I think I’d like to continue it. I really enjoy reading books for middle schoolers because they’re so easy to read. The library has a poster with all the Newberry Award winners. I probably can’t go wrong there.

I’m usually a big fan of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Since I haven’t been reading regularly in forever, there are probably a ton of good books out there. (Books NOT like Robert Jordan’s books, Lloyd). I’m on a hunt again. What book will I read next? I’ll search the libraries and bookstores until I find one.

Or maybe I’ll just ask Pam again.

I don't know what to do with old books.  They just end up stacked in my bedroom.


  1. Lauren

    I also have trouble picking a book, but once that’s done it’s smooth sailing. I didn’t read anything this winter, but I got a new book from a favorite author a few weeks back so I’ve been re-reading his other stuff. The other problem is reading right before bed, so you’re conditioned to fall asleep while reading.

  2. Lloyd

    When you say, “Books NOT like Robert Jordan”, do you mean books where the series is, literally, over 10,000 pages long and the author dies before the last book is written?

    • Brad


      Actually, I meant books with a little action in them instead of people just sitting around and talking about politics with each other for hundreds of pages and trying to figure out who’s on what side.

      • Lloyd

        The Robert Jordan books have plenty of action. It’s just all concentrated in the last chapter of each book.

        It’s a feature. That way when new books came out every 2-3 years you didn’t have to re read everything, you could just read the last chapter of each book.

  3. Brady G.

    Al Capone Does My Shirts (in italics of course). Easy enjoyable read. Lark would read books to me while were driving all around the country. This one is probably one of my favorites.

    • Brady G.

      oops. didn’t see the fantasy and science fiction comment. can’t help you out there.

    • Lauren

      Al Capone does your shirts? Wow!

  4. kiwe

    The Last Book in the Universe by Philbrick…SciFi and Jr. High

  5. Peggy

    Well dang, it only took you a little over 2 weeks to read that thick Brisingr book. That’s excellent.

    ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ is very good…but that might be elementary my dear Watson.

    ‘I Know This Much Is True’, very good but not sci-fi. It starts out with a guy chopping off his hand in the library.

  6. Deanne

    I love to read. Love it. But sometimes it keeps me awake at night, so I really have to learn how to control myself. I was in a dry spell, though, after reading my second Ken Follett book and feeling a little disappointed. Susana (a middle-schooler) was reading a book she was enjoying, and I stole it from her. Mid-read! (I’m such a bad mom!) And I really enjoyed it – Evil Genius.

    I was thinking about how much I enjoy sharing books with my middle schoolers. And I think it’s because there’s little that’s objectionable. Especially coming off Ken Follett, who writes rather fun historical fiction, but can’t refrain from giving rather detailed descriptions of rather private moments. TMI! If I want smut, I’ll buy it… I’m an adult, and I know where the stores are. Or how to find them.

    Hooray for easy to read, fun, middle-school-targeted fiction.

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