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When I travel, I always think about how nice it would be to have a laptop. I used Denis’ all last week and finally decided enough was enough. I’d been saving money in a box for a while and had $420 to show for it. I decided to get my own laptop.

After doing some searching on Consumer Reports, I settled on a simple model from Toshiba. It has a wireless antenna of course. It also had a DVD player, and a 15 inch screen. It’s best feature is it’s price: $399. I got it at Best Buy. You can read more about it HERE on Best Buy’s site. I particularly like the customer reviews. They seem fairly reliable to me.

The total was $423.99. Since I already had the $420, my out-of-pocket expense was $3.99. I handed the guy a stack of twenties and ones and he handed me a penny.

The Max is for scale.

While I was at Best Buy, I almost got a bluetooth headset for my phone. I don’t need one, but seeing Jesus wear one almost conviced me to get one anyway.

Isn't this kind of blasphemous?


  1. Lauren

    Ha!!! That last picture cracked me up!!! “Highest Rated Bluetooth Headset – EVER – like, in 2000 years!”

    Congrats on your laptop! That money box thing is genius.

  2. Carol

    So do you have a desktop at home from which you had been doing all your posting all these years? We’ve been a desktop family forever but are examining the wisdom to wireless laptop(s) instead. We’ll be watching your progress closely, sir, to see whether we, too, should take the plunge. Be ready to reveal how you like or dislike the keyboard, ease of use, weight/carrying comfort, etc. Again, a full report, double spaced, in Times New Roman 12 pt will suffice.

    (Where is that book report, by the way?)

  3. Lloyd

    Max is getting big. I thought that was a netbook at first glance.

  4. Karla

    Be careful with loading jpgs on the laptop. There is, or at least was, and issue with Vista corrupting image files. I should know, a bunch of mine were ruined.

  5. Deanne

    Enjoy being unwired!

  6. Peggy

    Excellent! And I admire your sales resistance. I went to the store to buy spray paint for my mailbox yesterday. No spray paint…but I bought a $40.00 candle arrangement! What the heck is wrong with me!

    And I gotta get me one of those money boxes!

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