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All the Best and More

The Fourth in Seward was super-fun again. But there was a new attraction this year: hot air balloon rides. It was just a quick up-and-down, but still… it was pretty cool. My mom, Beth, and I met at 5:30am to wait in line. We were the first ones there!

We saw the balloon get blown up:
It was amazing how fast it rose.

The balloon was tethered, so it only went up a short distance. Here was the test run:
The blue shirt people were all local volunteer crew people.

Here was the view from the balloon. I was proud of myself. I didn’t freak out or freeze or anything.
We were first in that line.

Besides the super-awesome balloon ride, I did all the regular stuff. The visit to the square to look at the craft and vendor booths was fun. There was a guy in crazy pants. I pretended to be talking with Beth while I snuck a picture. I didn’t realize Annette was there until I looked at the picture last night.
What a brave, brave man.

I ate some funnel cake. I couldn’t eat a whole one though. I shared it with Beth and her sister-in-law Tammy. Even with three of us eating it, there was some left.
Greasy sugar.

Then we watched the parade. It was a little disappointing. There were only two Czech queens.

One!  One Czech queen!  Ah, ha, ha, ha!

Two!  Two Czech queens!  Ah, ha, ha, ha!

Even though Lloyd and Lauren were missing, we had the beverage pond this year. Brent and I picked out the drinks. He decided to get some Clamato beer because… why not? He let me taste one that he was drinking. It was actually pretty good. It tasted like a red beer.
It was clam-tastic.

We didn’t go to see the big fireworks display because it was freaky-cold and it was rainy. But my nephew Daniel and my cousin’s son Wyatt put on a private show for us.

I think Wyatt was trying to burn something.  Lauren would approve.

A cool firework shot.


  1. Carol

    Excellent “Count” from Sesame Street (while captioning the Czech queens)! You obviously paid attention over the years. By the way, Happy 40th birthday, Sesame Street!

    You Royuks do know how to party hearty on a national holiday, I’ll give ya’ that! Very proud of you in the hot air balloon. No photos of flaming and crashing balloons needed to follow either. Nicely done, sir!

    [I’m frosted because last night stupid stupid Orioles baseball pre-empted a CBS holiday special with Neil Diamond, another old guy from my youth who still thinks he can perform music well – gray hair and all. Sadly, now, I’ll never know if he pulled it off…]

  2. Michele

    “I think Wyatt was trying to burn something.”
    No silly – Wyatt was trying to put his eye out! Where’s the adult rushing to save him? I cringed when I saw that picture. (Remind me to tell you how my father lost his eye and a few fingertips when he was 13.)

    Super glad you got a balloon ride – very cool! My youngest brother proposed to his wife in a hot air balloon – that way she couldn’t dodge the question – ha!

    We had awesome, cool weather here and the fireworks behind my house this year were the best ever! (I probably say that every year.)

    • Brad

      Haha! My mom kept saying that she was too old to watch kids light fireworks anymore. It was all she could do not to rush down and slap the fire out of their hands. Instead, she just kept yelling: “Be careful!”

  3. Peggy

    Now that’s my kind of balloon ride!

    Hey Brad, why don’t you bring back one of those Clamatos–I can’t begin to imagine how it tastes. And a steak finger—please? Pretty please with real sugar on top?

    I tried a new drink yesterday as well…it’s ‘homemade’ stuff called Apple Jack. I’m going to see if I can get a bottle of it for all to try. It’s great!!!

    • Michele

      Is Apple Jack alcoholic? If so, then I’m game!

  4. Brent

    What, no picture of the finale?

    • Brad

      Haha! I was too scared out of my mind to take pictures.

      To explain: the “finale” was a firework that fired shots into a tree that bounced back down toward us and exploded. It was scary and hilarious at the same time.

      • Carol

        See, this is why your Mom can’t watch these things any ore! Holy incendiary perchlorate!!

  5. Annette

    I was watching you sneak that picture. By the way, heard that guy say he’s worn those pants since 1972. (I pray not daily, and only on the 4th!) Next year hand me your camera and I’ll take a photo of you with him.

    • Brad

      He seems proud of his pants. Next year, I’ll take you up on that offer. I bet he’d love it.

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