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Book Conundrum

I’ve wanted to clean out my computer room for a long time now. It has become a repository for all kinds of junk. From the way I was falling asleep around 8:30pm last night, this weekend doesn’t look too good for getting much cleaning done.

But here’s my problem: I don’t know what to do with the bookshelf. I have successfully whittled my book collection down to a single set of bookshelves. I have a row of fairy tale books on the bottom, two rows of reference books (gardening, home improvement, cat books, aquarium books), and a few miscellaneous books (Lutheran worship resource books, Monty Python script books, painting with watercolors). On the sides of the shelf, I have sets of magazines and a few fiction books, and non-book junk.

So how do I clean this up? Do I throw books away? That seems blasphemous. And what about complete sets of gardening magazines? It seems a shame to have kept them for six or seven years and now throw them away. Sheesh! Why do these decisions have to be so hard? If only there were a sewage flood in my computer room I could just throw it all out without feeling bad.

Honestly, I could throw away 80% of the top two shelves.


  1. Beth

    Lauren could come burn them. I hear she likes fire.

    • Lauren


      I have many questions:

      1. Do you want to get rid of all of it or just the magazines? Box up the magazines and put the box down in the basement in a spot where it will likely get wet. Solved!

      2. Are those roller blinds on the shelves? Lights?

      3. Is that a shredder on the floor? Seems like there’s your solution right there. “Hmmmmm, should I read this? Ooopsie!”

      • Brad

        1. I would love to be rid of it all, but I’m too fond of many of the books. I haven’t looked at the fairy tale books in years. The reference books aren’t really useful any more, but I love them.

        2. They are blinds. I originally installed them to make the shelf look neater. Pull the blinds and voila!

        3. That is a shredder, but I don’t think it takes books.

        • Lauren

          Whittle down, then buy a couple of ” title=””>these and use the rest of the books as art around your house. Super. Cool.

        • Lauren

          Dang it. I thought I did it right. Click the link anyway, please.

        • Peggy

          That is awesome Lauren!!

  2. Lloyd

    I plan to leave all of my books to you when I die (except for the 3 fantasy books where Sam and my interests overlap). So you could give them all to me, then you wouldn’t have to worry about books for another 2-3 years.

  3. Peggy

    Well, Christmas is right around the corner…your family & friends like books, right?

    Or you could give them to Goodwill. That’s what I’m doing. I just cleaned up my bedroom floor bookshelf area this week & I have a whole bag of books I’m giving to them.

    And maybe you could cremate your gardening magazines & spread their ashes in your garden.

    • Beth

      Heh. Spreading their ashes…

  4. Deanne

    I am surprised at the number of “give away” and “burn” comments. I think you’ve already whittled them down. Get another shelf. I suggest the bookshelves from Ikea – the ones that look like a library. They can go floor to ceiling, they have an option for doors, and they have special magazine display shelves. In fact, I got some for my basement, and I would love to get some for my hallway.

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