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Back to School

I went in to school yesterday. I had left in such a hurry last Tuesday, I really needed to get my things straightened up. I also had some grading and other work to do. I went right from church to school. I find that doing work dressed in a suit and tie feels different.

I was at school for a while. Long enough to visit the bathroom twice. Both times, I left with spiderweb wrapped around my head. I looked for visible webs, but couldn’t find any. I didn’t see any spiders either. Good thing I don’t have hair like that lady in the story who teased her hair and then had a nest of spiders living in it.

The webs were in this area, but I sure couldn't see them.

When I got home, I finally played my new Xbox game a little. The story line is good, but the language and content is surprisingly and unnecessarily crude. I regret telling my students I intended to play this game.


  1. Lauren

    Great. Now your school is haunted by ghost spiders. Do you know how much that kind of exterminator costs?

    Is this bathroom really small, or did you hold your camera up high for the photo?

  2. Brad

    If I would have looked at my “This Day in History” page earlier today, I would have made a post about it. Today is the anniversary of the birth of Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain, and Winston Churchill. It is also the anniversary of the death of Oscar Wilde. They all have amazing and hilarious quotes. If you haven’t learned something new today, google some quotes of theirs. It’s a great way to waste a half hour or so.

  3. Deanne

    Presumably game makers do what movie makers do and insert a bunch of foul language (and other things) to pump up the rating. I really hate that.

  4. Peggy

    ‘Both times, I left with spiderweb wrapped around my head.’ HA!! I laughed out loud.

    Hmmm….I wonder where the spider went?


  5. Peggy

    PS What’s the new game?

    • Brad

      Assassin’s Creed II

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