Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Nice and Shocking

Yesterday was the perfect day for working outside. I decided I would clean up the area under my back porch a little. It meant going to the dump (which could potentially ruin any day, no matter how good) but the under-porch mess had gotten pretty bad.

Cleaning under the porch was hard, not because of the work, but because of the decisions I had to make. I have a lot of pots and bins under there. Which ones would I keep? Which ones would I throw away? I feel like I kept too much. But I do use some of this stuff every once in a while, and buying new when I need it would be a waste of money.

The visit to the dump was surreal. There were several empty bins. The workers were friendly and spoke clearly. They looked organized, since the man who greeted me was writing everyone’s license plate number down. They offered to help unload my truck. I declined, but while I was unloading, two of the workers climbed into the bin and moved stuff around to make room for more stuff. It was weird! And glorious! Were my phone call and email partially responsible for this? Awesome!

It was spilling into the yard.

Still cluttered with pots, but I couldn't bring myself to throw the nice ones away.


  1. Carol

    I see you had your first visit to the Baltimore City Dump under Mayor Rawlings-Blake then? Think the new mayor had anything to do with that – or is it more likely that you just you entered unknowingly a portal to the Twilight Zone?

    Nice clean up job, by the way. It’s a great feeling, isn’t it? When shall we expect your practiced purging skills over here? (Less than half kidding there…)

  2. Lauren

    I agree that your porch now looks fabulous. In the ‘before’ picture, you look like you might be a candidate for Hoarders.

    I think that you are on their radar!! All the workers have been instructed to look for your truck and your license plate! You’re the VIP of the dump world!

  3. Peggy

    I do believe your call & mail was the catalyst that put a fire under the dump…Way to go! This is just the beginning…keep cleaning up this town…may we call you Serpico?

  4. Karla

    Arron was wondering if you have a big yellow dog and a raccoon under there?

    • Brad

      No, but my neighbor just recently saw an opossum in my yard. And there was opossum poop in the stairwell to the basement.

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