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Some Small Progress

My goal for the summer is to repair and repaint the water damage caused by my leaking roof. I’ve been slow to get to it because the job includes my stairwell ceiling, which will require scaffolding or something, and the job includes my computer room, which has become something of a junk room.

I had already started clearing the computer room bookshelf before going to Nebraska. I stalled out, so I left it for later. On returning from Nebraska, I got to it almost right away. It took me a long time because I kept stopping to read the books, but I’ve finally done it. I decided to keep the books that elicited an emotional response. That meant keeping a few gardening books, a few childrens books, and the entire fairy tale collection. But I figure I’ve gotten rid of about half the books. Yay for me!

Look at all that horizontal space for holding junk!

What am I going to do with a giant empty bookshelf?


  1. Lauren

    Wow! Did you just shred the books you didn’t keep?

    As to what do do with the empty bookshelf: Lay it down on the floor, put a big piece of plywood on top, viola’ – a stage!

    • Brad

      A stage… That lends itself to all kinds of possibilities. I could be famous!

      • Deanne

        You are famous, Brad. But, a question: what did you do with the books you kept??

        • Brad

          They’re boxed for now. I have some built-in shelves in that same room that should be able to hold them all.

  2. Kristi

    Most impressive! What’s the story behind the mural on the wall?

    • Brad

      When I first moved in, a friend offered to paint it. He had done some mural painting, but wanted some practice. It’s out of a picture book. It’s a mountain stream in Hawaii. When he first did it, I got a narrow blue rug for the room and actually brought some rocks in from outside to put against the wall to make it look like the water was flowing through the room.

  3. Lloyd

    Are those blinds on your bookshelf so that you can hid the fact that you’re literate from friends and family?

    • Brad

      The bookshelf was originally my headboard. I put the blinds on it to give it a cleaner look and to keep dust off. It didn’t work really well. I piled junk on the non-blinds areas, and there was thick dust on all the books when I took them off the shelf.

      • Lauren

        Bookshelf as headboard, eh? I respect your substitution skilz.

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