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One Day Weekend

I don’t know what’s wrong with me this school year, but I’ve been spending one day out of every weekend at school. Last year, I would come to school and drag around a little or daydream or even fall asleep sitting up at my desk. But this year, I’m working like a dog. I’m hoping that I’m just still adjusting to the new year or getting used to teaching a new class. I can’t imagine I could sustain this kind of effort all year.

My regular Sunday plan is to get up like it’s a school day, put on my church clothes, go to school, work, go to church, grab something to eat, go back to school, work until dusk. What is going on? I’m an experienced teacher, for goodness sakes! It should be getting easier, shouldn’t it?

I spread everything out on student desks to organize it.

One nice side effect of working like a maniac is that when I get home I either still feel like working and I clean something up (like I did my bedroom yesterday), or I’ve worked so much that I can relax for the evening and not feel guilty. Still, it would be better if I didn’t spend the WHOLE day at school.


  1. Lauren

    This only makes me sad. Is it possible that you’re subconsciously preparing for the Early Dark? ‘Cause you know when that comes, you’re out for several months.

  2. Lloyd

    Or is it possible that you’re subconsciously preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse? ‘Cause you know when that comes, it’s so hard to get anything done in the classroom.

    • Peggy

      Ever wonder what we’ll be like turned:



      • Lloyd

        That’s pretty much how I’ve always pictured you after the zombie apocalypse. Except with a little more blood.

        • Peggy

          Hehe…above is me as the bloody zombie…this is me as an insane zombie:


  3. Peggy

    Or is it possible that you’ve gearing up for tonite? Yay tonite! The most wonderful time of the year!! NEW TV!!!!!!!

  4. anna

    I wish it was still international talk like a pirate day. :[

  5. Deborah

    It’s the new class. I have one, too, and I’m working 4 times as hard as last year.

    • Lauren

      What the what? How come I never call you and find out what’s going on in your life?

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