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Denis is a big fan of elliptical exercise machines. And, like me, he has been paying for a gym membership but not using it. He’s been thinking about buying his own elliptical for a while now. A couple of weeks ago, he saw his chance: an exercise machine store was selling their floor model. It was heavily discounted. He snatched it up.

It was delivered about a week ago. He started using it immediately. I didn’t want to try it until I was alone. What if I was somehow thrown from the machine? I didn’t want any witnesses to that. So I waited until yesterday while he was still at work.

I liked it! It is almost exactly like the machines at the club. And since this is in my living room, I don’t have to watch CNN while I’m exercising. Yay! I don’t like TV news. It’s sensationalized and repetitive. Somehow I’m overstimulated and bored at the same time. Instead, I watched Airplane! It was awesome. I could only go for about 20 minutes, but I’ll increase it as I go. Better health, here I come!

Max doesn't like the sound, but he's getting used to it.


  1. Lauren

    I applaud your enthusiasm, and hope that yours won’t become a coat hook or similar storage device. 🙂

    I also like how you have it placed so that your body isn’t actually in front of the window. Smart!

  2. Lloyd

    It looks justa littl’bit like a preying mantis.

    • Carol

      Funny…I was thinking “alert laying down canine” myself…hmmm…

  3. Nigel

    That looks really fun.
    Does it have one of those send it back in a month if you’re not completely happy deals? The reason they do that is they rely on people’s laziness to not return items, which is ironic when you think people buy excercise equipment to be less lazy.

  4. Peggy

    Excellent!! But surely you don’t think 20 minutes is a short time…way to go!!

    I’ve never been on an elliptical. Are they harder than a treadmaster?

    • Carol

      He was watching Airplane and you typed “surely”…homage to the recently-passed Leslie Nielsen?

      • Curt

        What?!?!? Leslie Nielsen passed away? I didn’t know that. That sucks.

  5. Peggy

    (I tried riding a stationary bike while watching TV & rather than the TV watching being a help to my exercise, the exercise ruined my TV watching experience. For some of us there is no hope.)

  6. Carol

    As one who has actually “fallen off” a Nordic Track machine in her day, I applaud your wisdom at trying this out while alone…although, if you had taken a tumble, you might have been forced to lie crumbled in a heap until Denis got home to help un-contort your body again. Max could have provided some comfort, I suppose, while sucking the last kilocalroie of body heat from you by lying across your chest….but anyway….

    …having had a Nordic in my basement for years (and it did become a coat rack there toward the end), I find it much more likely that I’ll use the gym’s pool and equipment because they are charging me something each month. Being of German heritage, I’m gonna squeeze every $2.50/day I can out of it, too, by cracky!

  7. Michele

    I enjoy the occasional treadmill during Jeopardy … with the volume pushed up to 40 so I can hear it. If I get a late start and The Wheel is on, I find myself yelling “Idiot!” quite often.

    • Lloyd

      Michele is back!?! Yay!

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