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Garden in May – One Year Later

I worked in my garden yesterday. It was kind of drizzly, but the forecast was for rain in the afternoon and rain all day today. If I was going to garden, it would have to be in the morning. I planted some new bushes by my porch and sprinkled Lowe’s mulch on top of my Boy Scout mulch so it would all look the same. I’m really enjoying the garden this year. I walk through it almost every day. I think the mulch has a lot to do with it. Mulch really makes things look nice.

A potato update: The tub is full of soil now. The plants look thick and healthy. Now, according to the internet, all I have to do is wait for the plants to finish growing and die, then I can dump out the container and gather up all the potatoes.

This was in mid-fill.  The soil it all the way to the top.

I did a May walkthrough video. I’ve done these videos for a year now. My first one was last May. It’s interesting to compare the two videos. It’s been a cooler, rainier spring this year, so my garden has fewer flowers, but is much more lush and green. Interesting.


  1. Lauren

    Your Red Bud is genuinely red! The one at our school has green leaves – I like yours better.

    Your society garlic lives in a bucket in your pond? Isn’t that like living down in your van by the river? (I never cared for that skit.)

    Thank you for finishing the rosemary joke yourself. 🙂

    I am surprised that the tub is filled up and ready to go. Somehow I thought that process would take longer. Now I want to try it!

    • Brad

      1. The variety is called ‘Forest Pansy’, if you’re inclined to cut down your old one and replace it.
      2. Society garlic can be planted in regular garden soil, but it also works as a bog plant. That’s a bonafide expensive specialty pot it’s planted in, not just some ordinary bucket. It’s like a condo by the beach, not a van by the river.
      3. Heh. But I really do eat those herbs. I wouldn’t grow them otherwise. Rosemary is good with smoky foods. Basil is good with sweet.
      4. You could probably still do it this year if you want… I’m still seeing seed potatoes for sale. Or you could just grow some from the grocery store.

  2. Peggy

    I totally agree…..mulch is magic!!!

    And I really like the look of those smoke bushes…I think that’s what you said….they look more like trees to me & immediately reminded me of this: (I love this movie)


    Are those apples edible or just ornamental…I can’t remember?

    Any sign of the dinnerplates?

    And, Thanks for rubbing the beautiful irises in my face.

    • Brad

      I’m at school, so I can’t view your movie right now… Youtube is blocked. I’ll catch it later.

      The apples are edible. None of them made it to eating stage last season though; they all dropped.

      The dahlias are coming up, but they’re still tiny sprouts. I think it’ll be fall before I have any flowers.

      Irises are easy to grow. They just need full sun. You should plant that entire hill in your back yard with them.

  3. Peggy

    And oh yea, may I put in an order for a pup?

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