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Hurricane Aftermath

Hurricane Irene left no damage to my house, but did leave me without electricity. Apparently, some mice came inside the house to seek shelter from the storm. And apparently, the stormy weather brought out the beast in Max.

MOUSE ONE: While going to the bathroom in the wee hours of the morning, I stepped on something damp. It was a dead mouse that Max left right outside my bedroom door.
I gave him ample praise.

MOUSE TWO: In the dim light of the morning, I tried to stave off my electricity withdrawal by playing Peggle on my battery-powered laptop computer. While I played, Max stalked another mouse… And got it!
I praised him some more.

MOUSE THREE: I left Max in the living room as I made some pancakes for breakfast. Fortunately, my gas stove was still working. After a little while, Max joined me… with a third mouse in his mouth.
I tried to keep the praise sounding fresh and sincere.
He got cocky with this one and played with it before it was dead. It got away somewhere under my kitchen cabinets. I hope it doesn’t start smelling bad.

The storm did leave some wreckage behind. My neighbor’s mulberry tree blew down. Thankfully, nothing was damaged. The tree fell exactly the right way. Any more to the right or left, and there would have been damage to fences or maybe even to buildings. I’m so glad nothing was damaged.

From my back porch:
A leafy mess.

The base of the trunk was just snapped. That was some strong wind.
You would think this would make a loud sound.  I heard nothing.


  1. Lauren

    Well, while I’m ‘glad’ Max is such a good mouser, I can’t help but feel badly for the poor little mice. At least your house won’t be overrun by rodents now.

    WOW! That tree! It was right up against the building, yes? So it didn’t just have wind, it had concentrated wind? You could ask your neighbor if you could have it for firewood!

  2. Carol

    Many of us have so much to be grateful for after this hurricane: still dry basement (though the last two weekends it took on water due to “regular” rain – go figure, huh?), apparently no missing shingles or siding, never lost power over here in beautiful downtown Rosedale…AND a delayed start to the official school year today. PLUS today is house excavation-before-lifting day and I might get to see some of it after all. I’m glad to hear Evergreen fared fairly well as well (say that five times fast!) Only downside I can see is that our cat’s going nuts being kept inside until The Big Ride to the vet for his incarceration overnight stay during the house repairs. Might as well get all the reasons for him to be ticked at us out of the way at one time.

  3. Peggy

    One dead mouse….Ah-ha-ha-ha! Wait, what am I saying….Ewwwww!

    Have a nice day off sucker! Never mind that it was like a scary maze on my way to work this morning…what with all the traffic lights out, roads closed, roads re-routed…debris dodging….I felt like I was in some type of new olympic race.

    But my beloved Paws re-opens today! YAY! Maybe I’ll get a grilled cheese….Muahhhhh!~

  4. Karla

    I’m so glad you survived with minimal damage. And that Max was able to keep your mouse population under control. Can you imagine what your place would have been like if you had come out to my house? 3 little mice running amuck. Oh the humanity!! 😉

    I hope things get back to normal quickly. While my recent experience wasn’t a hurricane, things were a mess for a while afterwards and it sucked. Good luck to all of you out there!

  5. Michele

    Maybe with tomorrow’s 2nd day of hurricane-cation you can finally put that toe kick moulding up! That way mice would not be able to hide under your cabinets!

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