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Yesterday on my way to school, my radio station wasn’t coming in. It was just static. I changed to another channel. Static. They were all just static. Something was wrong with my radio. Checking the obvious, I looked at my antenna. It wasn’t there. I pulled over and got out of the truck to look more closely. Someone had unscrewed and taken my antenna! Dang. I drove back home to give a quick look up and down the block, hoping the vandal had thrown the antenna in someone’s yard. No luck.

Stupid vandal.

Never having experienced this problem before, I wasn’t sure what to do. I’m a little nervous around tradespeople, because their great knowledge intimidates me, but I practiced what I would say to the guy at the car parts store. I said: “If someone unscrewed and took my radio antenna, is replacing it any more complicated than just screwing in a new one?” I know those are the exact words I said because I practiced it so much. The parts man confirmed my conjecture and walked with me to the aisle where the universal radio antennas were. Price? Six dollars.

After screwing in an adapter, I screwed on the new antenna. It’s not as cool-looking as my old antenna, which was a wire wrapped by a wire and dipped in black rubbery coating, but it works. My radio works again.

Silvery and new.


  1. Lauren

    Hmph. If this one gets stolen, are you going to unscrew it and take it inside with you each day? Or rig it so that if someone touches it they get a jolly good shock?

    Stupid vandals indeed. 🙁

  2. Carol

    Don’t you feel violated?! That is SO rude! Particularly so when the vandal could have paid a mere $6 for his or her very own from the get-go!! Grrrrrrrrrr… [Thurman had the Mickey Mouse antenna toppers we’d gotten at Disney World taken from his antennae more than once, and we think it was the teens who then lived next door. Even ruder!!]

  3. Peggy

    Static huh? Antenna huh? I wouldn’t write this off as a vandal just yet.
    And you might want to forget about that top hat for now & get one of these instead:


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