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Weekend Working Again

I’m going in to school every weekend again. I did it all last school year. But I don’t think I actually need to this year. I think it’s just a habit from last year that I don’t know how to break. The problem is the paperwork – grading in particular. I’m so tired after school, grading a single assignment may take up to an hour. When I’m fresh and rested on the weekend, that same assignment may take me only ten minutes. So do I want to take longer time on a better day, or shorter time on a worse day?

Yesterday I finished all my grading in the time before church. I got up at the usual time, went to school, did my grading, and went to church. It seems like a pretty good arrangement. Except being alone in the school building can sometimes be creepy. Yesterday morning, while I was sitting and grading, I was sure I saw something move past the door. I sat and looked at it and listened for a long time. But I was too lazy to get up. I didn’t see or hear anything, so I just kept grading. I guess in the choice between checking for an axe murderer or staying seated, laziness always wins. Besides, what self-respecting axe murderer works at 7:20am on Sunday?

It doesn't seem very creepy from this picture.  You'll have to take my word for it.


  1. Lauren

    If something ever does come in to frighten you, throw that googly-eyed thing on top of your cupboard at it. It’s scaring me so much, I have no desire to murder you.

    I have to think ten minutes outweighs the hour. Is it possible to go into work even earlier than you already do and grade?

  2. Deborah

    I woke up last night to someone clanging dishes in the kitchen. I was too lazy to check it out. Also, what self-respecting axe murderer would play with my dishes?

  3. Carol

    Wadd’n me! I didn’t hit campus until 2-ish…left before 5-ish…trying to break the habit as well. Think I’ll have it nailed by this weekend if I use the rest of my prep periods well this week. Wanna race? What would our reward be? [Hmmm…how about not seeing our classroom for over 24 consecutive hours; seeing more of our home and yard as a result; having time to invest with the resident quadraped(s)…I can sure see the pluses there. ]

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