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Hedge Fail. Hedge Win!

Back in April, I edged my backyard walking path with some ilex crenata ‘Soft Touch’ plants. The internet told me that they were temperamental, but I planted them anyway. I should have paid attention to the internet. Over half of the bushes I planted died. Stupid plants.

I put the few that didn't die into pots.

On the other hand, I’ve had great success with the nandina ‘Harbor Belle’ plants I’ve planted by my pond. They’re growing strong, and really quite attractive, having reddish new growth, bluish leaves in winter, and white flowers that turn into red berries.

Pretty colors...

So I’ve planted a new hedge, and this one is going to be successful, by golly.

The new hedge is just above the yellow line.


  1. Lauren

    WOW – your garden looks so lush! It’s like a jungle!

    “… and this one is going to be successful, by golly” – is that a statement of assurance for us or a threat to the plant? (I’m going to guess both.)

    Your Harbor Belle plant is quite lovely. There is something growing in our holly bush that has little berries, too. I’ll need to send you a photo for identification.

  2. Kristi

    Your garden is awesome! How are you able to walk away from it and go to school? If I had a wrought-iron white chair or bench, I’d park in your garden and breathe in the freshness.

  3. Peggy

    Awww…I’m so sorry the evergreen hedge let you down. I was looking forward to seeing that hedge mature. Oh well, out with the old & in with the new…..which is the Harbor Belle, right?

    And I’m with Kristi….your garden is still awesome! (But when I think of a jungle, I think of the time I was in Miami at a park and a bunch of ‘guerrilla’ type thugs came out of the bushes with guns. Ahhhh! We had stumbled upon the filming of a Miami Vice episode. We got to stay & watch and when we left, we walked right past Don Johnson & the other one and took their picture. It was Nov. 1986:

    hehe…the ’80’s)

  4. Carol

    I believe the expression you seek is “By cracky!” rather than “by golly”. Walter Brennan used to say that on The Real McCoys , I believe, and it always meant business. You do mean business with the new hedges, don’t you? Just sayin’…

    …and your teensy backyard has 300% more greenery in it than our entire front yard these days. Will the construction crew ever come back to finish the clay-mud-holey mess they left weeks ago?! (“Will Saundra find happiness with the Fuller Brush Man?”) Sorry…your memory archive, I know…ahem…lovely yard alrighty.

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