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A Beginner Backpacking: Day Two

Yesterday started off wet. It had rained most of the night. Yuck. Before leaving, we had to refill our water supplies. I tried some iodine tablets, but they leave the water with a pretty strong chemical taste. Thankfully, Tony brought a UV sterilizer. It’s amazing! You get water from any place you can find it, let the light burn for 90 seconds, and everything that was once living in that water is dead. Cool!



A lot of our walking was on fairly level ground. There were ups and downs, to be sure, but we had some fairly long sections of easy walking.


That didn’t stop us from stopping at some of the scenic overlooks. I was strangely NOT scared of the great heights. I joked that maybe it was because I was so sore I wouldn’t mind dying. 🙂


Later in the day I felt a sudden pain in my left calf. I looked back to see a yellow jacket stinging me. AAHH! That hadn’t happened to me since I was a kid. Brady had it worse though. He got blisters and some swelling behind one of his legs.

We still made it though. After crossing I-70, we got to a really nice camp site. It even had a bathroom! Yesterday’s total mileage: 13.7 miles! Whew!



  1. Carol

    That UV sterilizer is EXcellent – like a portable autoclave but for water. He might just have saved your lives there, that Mr. Tony!

    [Why does the thought of checking to see if the nurse packed an Epipen race across my mind when I read about yellow jacket stings on a “field trip”? None of you have anaphylaxis, do you? More to worry about until everyone is back home…]

  2. Lauren

    Hey, somebody has toe shoes! Is it you? Are you hiking in them or are they just hanging-out shoes? (I ask because the other guy is wearing flip-flops, and I don’t think that’s a kind of hiking shoe.)

    That UV light is cool. I’m going to have to look into that more. Can I use it when I cook chicken? I’m always afraid I’m going to kill someone when I make it.

    It looks so cool, and I’m so glad you are posting from the trail. It like we’re there with you! Except that I’m in my pajamas, sitting at home, not moving at all.

  3. Peggy

    I am most impressed with you standing on that outlook!! (And for just tackling this adventure all together.) Btw: That view is beautiful!!

    How are your feet holding up in your boots? I would think tennis shoes would be more comfortable….spoken from a never have backpacked dope.

    I hope your freeze-dried food is tasty. Stay hydrated & Harper’s Ferry is right around the corner!

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