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Yesterday was the last day of July, and my goal date to clean out my classroom. In my third load of stuff from school to home, I packed away six boxes of books and sundries that remained. I also attended to computer files and various deliveries of items to various people. It only took me the morning to do it. By noon I was giving my computer and my keys to John and talking about bacon. He has a special place he goes to get especially tasty bacon. I’m not sure exactly where, but it’s north of Baltimore somewhere. I told him that Tony (from backpacking) told me about a place that makes the best chicken pot pies in the area. I love chicken pot pie, and am very excited to try it.

Anyway, my classroom is clean, and I’m looking at a clean slate for August. I keep thinking I need to get going on some sort of exercise regimen. My body feels pretty fit after all that hiking. I hope to take advantage of it by continuing doing some regular exercise that isn’t just lifting heavy boxes of books.

I left some school-owned Bibles and concordances on the shelf.


  1. Lauren

    Well, that last photo got me. Great, now I’m going to be red-eyed. Not even bacon and chicken pot pies are going to help.

    But a bacon chicken pot pie?? Then we might be onto something!

    • Peggy

      That photo stinks. 🙁

      Too bad you didn’t get a picture of you carrying those boxes into your house… now that you’re stronger than an ox. It would have looked something like this:


  2. Carol

    Uh…were you looking for a small grey plastic shelving unit that used to sit next to your desk? I…uh…thought you had purposely left it in June, so…ummm…it’s in J-2 now (she types sheepishly). Let me know if I ought to drop it by your house sometime…ahem. Sorry. 🙁

    I know how much work it’s been getting my 3-4 years’ of “stuff” down the hall into J-2 and I’m not done yet; you must have done a ton of work to organize, clean out, purge, and box up 17 years’ worth, dear friend, and that makes it all the tougher, I imagine.

    Today’s editorial: while I am excited about being in The Big Science Classroom again, it does still stick in the craw that my former neighbors from surrounding classrooms will be all different this coming year. Different as in “not the good friends made while ministering thus far in the area of Lutheran education”. Different as in “not those whom I grew to love for doing what they loved and were so good at.” [And I’d’ve gladly stayed where I had been if it would have allowed others to remain as well, but I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t have made two figs’ difference.] Yet, I know that out of His love and grace God will take care of all parties in the way that is best, just as He has every year thus far.

    Just praying He allows and enables me to survive the next four years so I can consider the “R” word and leave on my own terms.

    Off the soap box now…

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