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After I cut the cherry tree down in my back yard, I had an empty circle ringed by stones It seemed like such a place of honor, I was going to have to consider carefully what plant to put there. In the end, I never decided on a plant. Instead, I think I might like to have a garden statue there. But garden statues are expensive, so I’m thinking I might try to make one. But that involves much research and planning, so the circle has remained empty.

Before I left for Nebraska, I decided to plant a bunch of sunflower seeds in the circle. If they grew, they would fill the space. But they’re annuals, so once winter comes, it will clear the circle for me. And they did grow! I was very excited to see sunflower plants on my return. They’ve been steadily growing since then, and now they’re finally blooming. I can’t believe how tall they are. Some of them have already fallen over because I let them be overcrowded and their stems are spindly. I hope the seed heads don’t pull the rest of them down.

It is not a trick of the camera.  They are actually that tall.


  1. Lauren

    Good grief! They are enormous! If they start bossing you around, you do exactly what they say, ok?

    Can you harvest the seeds and roast them? That would be awfully fun to do, if it’s not too much work.

  2. Ron Royuk

    I always read the text before looking at the picture. I had envisioned several puny plants, but, WOW !!! They are unbelievably huge!! You are a grower of teenagers and plants !!!

  3. Carol

    Having seen this plot, all I can add is, “Be afraid….be very afraid!” They. Are. Huge! Prety good green thumb considering you weren’t home much of their growing period, too.

    …and yes, Brad can grow great teen-agers, too. I’m a witness to that.

  4. Peggy

    Holy cow!! I was shocked when I scrolled down to see the size and amount of sunflowers too! Where do you get your seeds from….a magic shop?

    Btw: Did I ever tell you that I was a sunny sunflower in the production of Tom Sawyer? And I sang…..right up front. It was in 1st grade.

    We are sunny sunflowers,
    Sunny, sunny sunflowers,
    Plucked from Amy’s garden just today.

  5. Lloyd

    That would be the perfect spot for a Weeping Angel.

    • Brad

      That is exactly what I have thought! I have been searching on and off for almost two years for a weeping angel statue. I cannot find any garden-size ones. I have considered commissioning the art teacher at my school (or some other artsy type) to make one for me. Again, that’s pretty pricey. Could I do it myself? Probably not well.

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