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Something Old

Somebody left an odd thing on my sidewalk. It was a book made of yellow pages that had the names and numbers of local businesses in it. I was surprised to see they still made these. Are there people who don’t use the internet when they’re looking for a business? How do they see reviews? How do they look at the company’s website to see samples of their work and testimonials?

I wonder what will eventually replace the internet…

It went straight to the recycle bin.


  1. Lauren

    Ha – a relic from the past! You can’t prop up little kids at the table with the internet, though. For that, you need the yellow pages and J.C. Penney catalogs.

  2. Lloyd

    I still need that book. We use the pages in the back (they are usually yellow) as examples of poorly designed pages (from a page layout point of view) and they have to correct them. Where am I going to get examples in this brave new world?

  3. Elaine Royuk

    Who uses that book? Well sometimes your mother:). Actually I usually ask your dad to look it up on the computer and then compliment him:).

  4. Michele

    I remember as a child seeing old phone books turned into Christmas trees. Each page was folded down at the corner, the front and back covers were glued together, and then it was spray-painted. I think there was also some glitter involved.

    • Lloyd

      We did that at my Grandma’s house with old Reader’s Digest magazines.

    • Carol

      I know what you mean! We used the Sears catalogue, though – remember those? Made great doorstops, didn’t they?

  5. Carol

    Sometime today “they” left one of those relics in a plastic bag in our driveway, too. Tonight I had to put out co-mingled recycling; guess what was in it already? I saved the plastic bag, though – I can always find a use for it.

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