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I Chose… Poorly

Maryland requires emissions testing for your car every two years. It seems like my last one was a short time ago, but I think that was just because I was super late doing it. I didn’t want to be late this time, but I have been dragging my feet. The due date was yesterday. So I went.

When you get to the place, there are a bunch of lanes to choose from. I chose Lane One. I don’t remember a time when the line from “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” was more appropriate. I kept hearing the old crusader in my head. “He chose… poorly” And boy, did I. One lane over from me, there were two guys doing testing instead of just one. That made Lane Two go faster. What was worse, those guys were each testing cars twice as fast as the guy in my lane. Ack! That meant that four cars were going through for every one in my lane! Argh!

I do seem to have unlimited time now-a-days, but still – the principle of the thing was driving me crazy. I tried to get over a couple of times, but my fate was sealed. I waited in that line for a long, long time.

I could have gotten over at this point, but I hadn't realized my bad choice yet.


  1. Lauren

    Arrrrgghh. How frustrating! Especially since with each car that goes by your irritation level just goes up and up. If it happens again, you can get out of your car and waves others away who might try to get behind you – “Save yourselves! It’s too late for me!!”

  2. Peggy

    If it makes you feel any better, I always choose poorly when I’m in stores. Always.

    Did you happen to have a book to read at least?

    • Brad

      I didn’t bring a book, but I did have my phone. I read a LOT of the internet while I was waiting.

  3. Carol

    …and all the while your engine is running, right? So not only are you spending unnecessarily an expensive nonrenewable fossil fuel sitting there, but gloppy goo is collecting in the tail pipe. When the guy finally comes over with the proctascope thingy they insert in the tail pipe to test what comes out of it your score’s not as good as it could have been, right? That also makes me growl…..

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