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Another Whole Thing

A couple weeks ago, I ate a whole apple, just to see if I could do it. Lauren suggested I try an orange. I had a tangerine in my refrigerator that was the perfect candidate. Yesterday I ate it whole – skin and all:




It was a little harder to eat than an apple. Oranges aren’t so easy to just bite into. And the segments inside this tangerine had thick walls. It involved a lot of chewing. I was glad to be eating an orange that had such a thin skin. The taste of the skin was really quite pleasant. It had a very pungent flavor. I think it would be a good way to get a disagreeable taste out of your mouth. The peel and flesh together in my mouth was orangy and sweet. My burps tasted like oranges all night long.

I don’t think I would do this all the time, but I may chew a small piece of orange peel now and again.


  1. Lauren

    Holy cow!!!!! You are brave and insane! I cannot believe that it wasn’t a horrible experience. Seriously? Are you kidding us all so this will be some sort of sick joke when we all try it?

    Sorry, I am just so full of unbelief. I feel a big ‘Bazinga’ coming on.

    • Carol

      …yea…what she said!

  2. Kim

    So if Lauren suggested you eat a whole avocado, you would do it?

    • Lauren


      Eat an avocado. (Not the pit.)

      – Lauren

    • Brad

      Haha! I’m increasingly open to food dares as I get older, but I did read a little about avocado skin and pits on the internet. I don’t think I’m brave enough to try that. I still have Kristi’s suggestion of a whole banana, and now Peggy’s suggestion of a pineapple core. I don’t think I could eat a whole pineapple though – they’re just too big.

  3. Peggy

    I just read that you can eat the core of a pineapple. If you eat a combination of tangerines, limes, & pineapples … just think, you’ll be a human air-freshner!

    • Peggy

      ….a citrus human air-freshner!

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