Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

An Unexpected Journey

When I approached my truck yesterday morning, I noticed the driver’s side door wasn’t closed right. I wondered if I had shut my seat belt in the door or something. When I opened the door, I knew something was wrong: someone had been in my truck. The storage compartment between the seats was left open, and there was stuff strewn about the seats and floor. Dang. There wasn’t any sign of forced entry. Had I left my doors unlocked? I’m usually really careful about that.

I think whoever did it was really in a hurry. They took the coins from the ashtray. They took some CD’s, but left others (they took Frank Sinatra and Billy Joel, but not the Fresh Aire Christmas CD’s). Who would take CD’s anyway? They’re worth absolutely nothing these days, aren’t they?
They didn't take any of my gum.

Anyway, besides feeling weird that someone had been in my truck (a smoker, by the smell in the cab), I wasn’t too upset. But then I remembered that my registration and insurance card were in the storage compartment with the CD’s that were taken. Dang. Would I have to go to the MVA? I actually called the police non-emergency number to see if a thief could use a stolen registration for some kind of criminal activity. The person I talked with didn’t seem to understand what I was asking.

I went to church to paint for a while. When I got back, this was on my door:
What could it be?

It was my missing stuff! There was a note inside that said it was all over the sidewalk two blocks away. The person left his number and asked me to call or text to let him know I got it. I texted him a big thank you and God bless! The pile of stuff was wet from dew and mist. I found my registration and insurance card. Whew! And then I noticed what else had been taken and returned: Flat Stanley! He had been kidnapped! He got wet, so his clothes are a little smeary, but he’s otherwise okay. I wonder if this is the first Flat Stanley to have ever been kidnapped by a genuine criminal?
I'm so glad to have it all back!


  1. Lauren

    I am full of mixed emotions about this. What a relief! 🙂 What a shame. 🙁 I just don’t know what else to say – you seem to take this kind of bizarre happenings in such stride. How did painting go? Was it soothingly distracting or did you paint angrily? (Angry painting requires at least two coats.)

    • Brad

      The painting was soothingly distracting. I feel a lot of pressure to do a good job on it, so I’m painting with great focus.

  2. Deborah

    I’ll bet that is the first Flat Stanley to have such an adventure. It will be the talk of the town!

  3. Carol

    I could actually feel my blood pressure go up reading about what happened…and then came the happy ending and I felt my heart – well – smile. I am SO relieved for you!! (Always wondered about that parking-by-the-curb business; so sad the bank won’t let you park in a slot by your door…not that this would guarantee anything…) Do you have any sort of security system for your truck (e.g., annoying alarm everyone would ignore anyway, a picture of a barking German Shepherd to mount in the back window)? God bless the finder and returner indeed!! I’ll be saying an extra prayer for him/her tonight…

  4. Brad

    How did I forget to mention that today is 12/12/12? Cool!

    • Peggy

      I’ve been looking forward to this date since last week….and then I forgot too!

      Ruth said this morning–“Today is 12-12-12, is this the day the world ends?”

  5. Peggy

    How awful! And how wonderful! Hooray for the heroes in this world! Sorry you had to feel violated though. That part stinks. Stupid criminals.

    And I would definately add the kidnapping to Flat Stanley’s journal. You’re a good writer…..you’ll be able to tell the tale without scaring the children. Btw: Have you taken him anywhere else?

  6. Elaine Royuk

    What a story to start the day! The class will be at full attention when the kidnapping is shared! Glad they did not break to enter. You know bad guys have this wonderful little tool that gets them into cars faster then you can use a key to get in. 🙁

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