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Aside from odd and infrequent mistakes such as paying $12 for an artichoke, I’ve been a pretty responsible shopper here in Maui. I buy food on sale whenever I can, I don’t buy things I don’t need, and I’ve actually gotten the discount card thingy from the grocery store.

Before Maui, I had not submitted my personal information to the grocery store in order to get a card. I was a conscientious objector for philosophical reasons – mostly because it felt like blackmail that they would not give me a discounted price on certain items unless I allowed them to track my purchases. But being tight on money makes philosophical objections seem less important, so now I have a card.

Last night I needed to get gas. I saw a sign for my grocery card on the gas pump, so I decided to swipe it. The screen said I had earned a credit of 20 cents per gallon off the regular price. Nice! It isn’t really that much money when I think about it, but it’s still something. Good job, Brad!

I ended up saving just over $2.60.

I ended up saving just over $2.60.


  1. Lauren

    Wow! That seems like very smart shopping! I don’t keep track of gas prices because I fill up the truck so infrequently (only a 13-block commute), but when I filled up at Sam’s Club a month or so ago, I think it was only 5 cents off.

  2. Deborah

    “But being tight on money makes philosophical objections seem less important” is a universal truth, I believe.

    • Lloyd

      True dat.

  3. Peggy

    It is something indeed! The savings is like getting 2 Totinos dinners free!!

  4. Aunt Bev

    Way To Go! …..I got 10 cents off one time….Quite by chance though because I buy so very few groceries….. We have a little white stuff in our grass this a.m. and more is forecast. I think of you often and love your blog. Many, many mornings it puts a smile on my face….
    Blessings and Love from Nebraska,
    Aunt Bev (^_^)

  5. Debbie

    Go ahead and sign up for the Safeway Just for U program if they have it it in Hawaii. They always have extra deals and sometimes items are free. You can get extra gas points and there are personalized deals based on what you buy. You don’t have to give out too much personal information and everything comes to you via email. Have a great day! Debbie

  6. Carol

    I, too, have succumbed to getting gas from the evil Shell station because after weeks of Thurman’s Giant shopping I can fill up the Subaru there far less expensively than even at Sam’s Club (our gas o’ choice otherwise). I feel manipulated and perhaps somewhat cheapened, but as you pointed out monetary need trumps philosophical objections (almost as often as laziness would?).

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