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I got my clothes back from the cleaners yesterday. The whole truckload. Wow! But to be fair, I must say it wasn’t all clothes. There were a lot of towels, sheets, and curtains as well. At first, the delivery guy brought in the boxes. I stacked them in my bedroom in the apartment.

I'm glad they're labeled.

I’m glad they’re labeled.

There were tons of hanging clothes. They are packed tightly into all the closets of the apartment.

Stuffed full.

Stuffed full.

I hope to sort through my clothes and get rid of a bunch of them. After all, I’ve been living for the past six months wearing only what will fit in one suitcase. That’s been my warm weather wardrobe. For cool weather, could I possibly whittle it down to what would fit in one suitcase? Then I would only own two suitcases worth of clothes. That would be cool!


  1. Lauren

    Congratulations on the return of your stuff!

    When we went through the bat bug debacle, I loved only having a few items of clothing. I’ve regularly googled ‘minimalist wardrobe’, and ust yesterday Iwas thinking about having a kind of ‘uniform’ and just going with that. Hmmmmm…. Sounds like a challenge…..

  2. Lloyd

    We should trade some ties, then it will be like we both have new ties.

  3. Peggy

    Holy cow! That is alot of stuff! And that’s just your washable stuff! I’m glad you got your stuff back. And after you weed thru it & purge some stuff…..you’ll have room for more stuff!!

  4. Carol

    This seems yet another way God made lemonade out of your very sour lemons: the chance to purge something(s) now that you realize another level of the difference between “want” and “need” or “use regularly”. May I have that epiphany soon – my closets are a tad crowded despite what I always thought was regular purging for the Mission Society etc. A person could learn a lot from you, Brad Royuk! (Guess it’s the teacher in you just oozing from every pore…)

  5. Peggy

    PS. Whenever I ‘see’ or hear “I must say”, I think of Ed Grimley. Ed Grimley…hehe.


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